February 08 2020
As much as I enjoyed the interactions between Vahly, Arc and Nix...then additionally Kyril, I didn’t like this book. The writing is well done and the pace is usually good. But many of the situations were so contrived, and brought about either unrealistically, or with no development, that I kept having to suspend my logic just to get through it. Then the random sweeping descriptions of things that really didn’t matter...it was way too short on content and way too long on filler. I’m curious about the end of the story but I’m no longer loving it. I was disappointed. Centuries old warriors aren’t idiots who never check a perimeter, are always caught unawares by foes and don’t know to keep an eye out during reconnaissance. So disappointing.
March 18 2021
The world building gets better with each installment. The new creatures introduced in Band of Breakers add so much to the overall composition of the group. Vahly and Arc have such an interesting (and increasingly intense) relationship. I have to wonder why Vahly's journey to awakening her magic has her going all over Sugarrabota but it does give the reader the chance to really connect with the characters and the world. There are some hard times found here, but when you are trying to save the world, that's not much of a suprise.
August 31 2020
Vahly has the earth magic at her fingertips, but the journey to claim it fully and become the Earth Queen is far from its end. <br />Emerging of the Earth Queen might have united the dragons and the elves on the surface, but there are still rogues who swore no fealty. Also, the enemy number one, the Sea Queen and her minions, are on their war path and won't stop until the world is flooded. Under such circumstances, Vahly would need all the luck and the best allies as her backup to at least survive. <br />Imaginative and fascinating world full of magic and wonders is pictured on the pages. I thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful places, amazing magic, powerful beasts, and strong bonds described in the book. The story developed quite nicely, and there were some really action-packed scenes. I still could not find a strong connection to the characters, they felt kind of flat and some of the interactions forced, yet the world building compensated nicely the shortcomings (in my view).
October 21 2020
This book quickly launches into the action, picking up where the last book left off. Without the slower build that the first book necessarily needed to set the stage, I think I ended up liking this second book even better! <br /><br />The stakes are raised as the little band of heroes tries to find a way to awaken the main girl's magic and save the entire world from being drowned underwater. I'm sooooo loving the slow build of the human-elf romance that is developing. I can't wait to see where they go from here! <br /><br />And the cliff hanger at the end of the book...eeep! I really need the next book now! <br /><br />Also, I listened to the audiobook version, which was really well done!
August 15 2019
As usual, Alisha doesn’t disappoint. I devoured this in a few days. We see Vahly begin to come into her own as Earth Queen, and begin to get a sense of what she can do. It’s fast-paced, and the action just keeps unfolding. I love the comaraderie, humour, suspense, and clean romance. At the end it says: “Alisha won’t keep you waiting long to find out what happens next!” She’d better not! I received this as an ARC copy, with no obligation.
July 06 2019
Fabulous! A wildly entertaining adventure full of danger around every corner. I loved the characters and enjoyed watching them interact with one another along. The various twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat and ending left me begging for more!
April 10 2022
Review for “Band of Breakers” by Alisha Klapheke<br /><br />It’s the second book from the “Dragons Rising” series written by Alisha Klapheke. The story focuses on Vahly’s quest to find the source of her magic to fulfill her destiny as the next Earth Queen along with her comrades, Nix and Arc. <br />The author attracts the readers through her unique writing style. The world created by her reminds us of Greek and Norse mythology, medieval legends and fairy tales. We will travel on air, land and sea with the main characters, overcoming obstacles and preparing for the battle against the Sea Queen. <br />One of the most important themes discussed in the novel is the rite of passage. Vahly has to leave her childish side behind and take her quest seriously. Not only that she will learn about her past, but a new member will join the group. It’s a legendary creature known to be the guardian of the divine and the symbol of pride, wisdom and divine power. <br />Grief is a topic explored throughout the storyline because memories of the departed loved ones flood the mind of various characters, making them lose focus on their tasks for a few minutes. Each manages to accept it and use it to strengthen him or her. <br />Like the Earth Queen, we have to follow our instinct from time to time and learn that there is always hope when we least expect it. She becomes determined, responsible, mature and powerful in the end. <br />The novel tackles serious issues like abuse, toxic parents, misinformation, racism, discrimination, overprotective mother, and freedom of speech, tyranny, and cruelty against animals like in the scene where Baz tries to kill a small griffin, the relationship between brother and sister and between parents and their children. <br />We will learn that nothing is what is seems and it depends on the information and education we receive through our lives. Bravery, honesty, confidence, wisdom, intellect, resourcefulness, friendship, forgiveness, generosity and other virtues are explored within the book. <br />However, astute readers will notice the small similarities with Richard H. Stephens’ “The Soul Forge Saga” and the “Legends of the Lurker” series, K. M. Jenkins’ “Tales of Ferres” series, Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian’s the “Tara Duncan” series, J. K. Rowling’s the “Harry Potter” series, J. R. R. Tolkien’s the “Lord of the Rings” series and Allison D. Reid’s the “Wind Rider Chronicles” series.<br />Vahly is afraid of spiders like Ron Weasley from the „Harry Potter” series. The Spirit of the Water that helps the trio in the first chapter reminds us of the Lady of the Lake from the Arthurian legends. <br />Nix’s character is similar to Fafnir’s from Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian’s „Tara Duncan” series, since both characters are edgy stubborn tough warriors with a sense of humor that often argue with their teammates.<br />Arc’s character is similar to Robin’s from the „Tara Duncan” series and Istan from the „Nightmares of Ferres” from the „Tales of Ferres” series by K. M. Jenkins, since the three characters are calm, wise, knowledgeable, fearless powerful elf warriors. <br />Amona is like Holy Wednesday and Holy Sunday from the Romanian fairy tales, good old ladies that help the main characters in their quest by giving them hints and sharing their wisdom with them. She is a mother figure to Vahly and like Harap Alb’s father; she cares deeply about her child and warns her about the dangers of the outside world.<br />The Watcher’s hag-like appearance and prophetic abilities reminds us of the Moirai or Fates from the Greek mythology, the Three Witches from William Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and the sea witch from Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Mermaid”. She speaks in riddles and gives cryptic explanations like Yoda from the “Star Wars” series.<br />Queen Astraea is an image of Karkon from “The Girl of the Sixth Moon” series by Moony Witcher, Dolores Umbridge and Lord Voldemort from the “Harry Potter” series due to her cruelty to others, even her followers, her thirst for power, obsession with world domination, and the fact that she mostly prefers to send others to do her dirty work regardless of the cost. <br />There are some things with symbolic meanings namely, green – harmony, nature, greed, prosperity, balance, materialism, possessiveness; purple – royalty, mystery, imagination, compassion, emotional, arrogance; white – innocence, simplicity, coldness; silver – strength, clarity, focus, the destruction of evil; gold – higher ideals, enlightening, knowledge, energy and power of the sun; jade – nobility, wealth, avarice and pride in the novel; lapis lazuli – royalty, honor, deity, power, spirit, vision, wisdom, truth, humility, discretion, sensitivity to the needs of others; olive tree – peace and friendship; oak tree – power, survival and ancient wisdom; cedar tree – strength, support, connection and hope; grapevine – sacrifice, love from the divine; water – grace, power, metamorphosis, motion, the undifferentiated chaos; earth – the great mother, fertility, strength, creativity, longevity; fire – passion, desire, destruction, rebirth and resurrection, hope, purification; air – life, communication, power of the mind, serenity etc. <br />Mystery, unexpected surprises, suspense, adventure, danger, love, magic, dragons, elves, griffins are the right words to describe this book. <br />Together with J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, J. K. Rowling, Laura S. Gotz, Sînziana Popescu, Miruna Ursache, Diana Geacăr, Moony Witcher, Elena Kedros, Rick Riordan, Emily Martha Sorensen, Katie Jenkins, Todd Fahnestock, Eileen Mueller, Richard H. Stephens, S. A. Patrick, Laura Daleo, B. K. Boes, Nicole Zoltack, A. G. Roemmers, Anabel Bright, Sarah K. L. Wilson, Joss Walker and R. L. Perez, Dani Hoots and many others, Alisha Klapheke revolutionized the fantasy genre with her imagination. <br />I recommend this book to readers 14+ because some scenes are too scary for younger readers. <br /><br /><br />Recenzie – “Banda de Rebeli” de Alisha Klapheke<br /><br />Este al doilea volum din seria “Revolta Dragonilor” de Alisha Klapheke. Povestea se axează pe călătoria lui Vahly în căutarea sursei puterilor ei magice pentru a-și îndeplini destinul de Regină a Pământului alături de prietenii ei, Nix și Arc. <br />Autoarea îi atrage pe cititori prin stilul unic. Lumea creată de ea ne amintește de mitologia greacă și nordică, legendele medievale și basme. Vom călători pe calea aerului, uscatului și a apei alături de personajele principale, trecând peste obstacole și pregătindu-ne pentru lupta împotriva Reginei Mării. <br />Una dintre cele mai importante teme discutate în roman este ritul de trecere. Vahly trebuie să lase copilăria în urmă și să ia în serios călătoria. Nu numai că va învăța despre trecutul ei, dar un nou membru se va alătura grupului ei. Este un animal legendar cunoscut drept paznicul zeilor și întruchiparea mândriei, înțelepciunii și a puterii divine. <br />Mâhnirea este un subiect explorat de-a lungul acțiunii pentru că amintirile despre persoanele dragi decedate le inundă mintea diferitelor personaje, făcându-le să-și piardă concentrarea asupra sarcinilor pentru câteva minute. Fiecare reușește să o accepte și să o folosească să-l întărească. <br />Asemeni Reginei Pământului, trebuie să ne urmăm instinctul din când în când și să învățăm că mereu există speranță atunci când ne așteptăm mai puțin. Ea devine hotărâtă, responsabilă, matură și puternică în cele din urmă. <br />În roman sunt abordate probleme serioase ca abuzul, părinții toxici, dezinformarea, rasismul, discriminarea, mama “cloșcă”, libertatea de exprimare, tirania, cruzimea față de animale ca în scena în care Baz încearcă să ucidă un pui de grifon, relația frate-soră și părinți-copii. <br />Vom învăța că nimic nu este ceea ce pare și că totul depinde de informațiile și educația pe care le primim de-a lungul vieții. Curajul, sinceritatea, încrederea în sine, înțelepciunea, inteligența, ingeniozitatea, prietenia, iertarea, generozitatea și multe alte virtuți sunt explorate în carte. <br />Totuși, cititorii experimentați vor observa câteva asemănări cu seriile “Soul Forge Saga” și “Legendele lui Lurker” de Richard H. Stephens, seria „Povești din Pădurea Magică” de K. M. Jenkins, seria „Tara Duncan” de Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian, seria “Harry Potter” de J. K. Rowling, seria „Stăpânul Inelelor” de J. R. R. Tolkien și seria „Cronicile Călărețului Vânturilor” de Allison D. Reid. <br />Lui Vahly îi este frică de păianjeni asemeni lui Ron Weasley din seria „Harry Potter”. Spiritul din Apă care îi ajută pe cei trei călători în primul capitol ne aduce aminte de Doamna Lacului din legendele arthuriene. <br />Caracterul lui Nix este similar cu al lui Fafnir din seria „Tara Duncan” de Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian pentru că ambele personaje sunt războinice țâfnoase, încăpățânate și dure, cu un simț al umorului care mereu se ceartă cu ceilalți coechipieri.<br />Firea lui Arc este asemănătoare cu a lui Robin din seria „Tara Duncan” și a lui Istan din „Coșmarul din Pădurea Magică” din seria “Povești din Pădurea Magică��� de K. M. Jenkins pentru că cele trei personaje sunt elfi războinici calmi, înțelepți, documentați, neînfricați și puternici. <br />Amona se aseamănă cu Sfânta Miercuri și Sfânta Duminică din basmele românești, bătrâne bune care ajută personajele principale în timpul călătoriei, oferindu-le indicii și împărtășind înțelepciunea cu acestea. Ea este imaginea mamei pentru Vahly, iar asemeni tatălui lui Harap Alb îi pasă foarte mult de copilul ei și o avertizează de pericolele din lumea exterioară. <br />Înfățișarea de femeie bătrână slută și abilitățile profetice de care dispune Bătrâna Vrăjitoare ne amintesc de Moiraele sau Ursitoarele din mitologia greacă, cele trei vrăjitoare din piesa shakespeariană „Macbeth” și vrăjitoarea din basmul „Mica Sirenă” de Hans Christian Andersen. Ea spune ghicitori și oferă explicații criptice asemeni lui Yoda din seria “Războiul Stelelor”. <br />Regina Astraea se aseamănă cu Karkon din seria „Fetița Celei de-a Șasea Luni” de Moony Witcher, Dolores Umbridge și Cap de Mort din seria „Harry Potter” întrucât se comportă urât cu toată lumea, inclusiv cu discipolii ei, este însetată de putere, este obsedată de cucerirea lumii și preferă în mare parte să-i pună pe alții să-i facă treburile murdare indiferent de urmări. <br />Există anumite lucruri cu semnificații aparte cum ar fi: verdele – armonie, natură, lăcomie, prosperitate, echilibru, materialism, posesivitate; movul – regalitate, mister, imaginație, compasiune, emotivitate, aroganță; albul – inocență, simplitate, răceală; argintiul – forță fizică, claritate, concentrare, distrugerea răului; aurul – idealuri mărețe/ importante, informativ, cunoaștere/ cunoștințe, energie și putere solară; jadul – noblețe, bogăție, avariție și mândrie în roman; lapis lazuli – regalitate, onoare, divinitate, putere, spirit, viziune, înțelepciune, adevăr, modestie, discreție, sensibilitate la nevoile celorlalți; măslinul – pace și prietenie; stejarul – putere, supraviețuire și înțeleciune străveche; cedrul – forță fizică, sprijin, conexiune și speranță; vița-de-vie – sacrificiu, dragoste divină, sfântă; apa – eleganță, milă, putere, metamorfoză, mișcare, haosul nediferențiat; pământul – mama divină, fertilitate, forță fizică, creativitate, longevitate; focul – pasiune, dorință, țel, râvnă, distrugere, renaștere și înviere, speranță, purificare; aerul – viață, comunicare, puterea minții, liniște etc. <br />Misterul, surprizele neașteptate, suspansul, aventura, pericolul, iubirea, magia, dragonii, elfii, grifonii sunt cuvintele potrivite pentru a descrie această carte. <br />Alături de J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, J. K. Rowling, Laura S. Gotz, Sînziana Popescu, Miruna Ursache, Diana Geacăr, Moony Witcher, Elena Kedros, Rick Riordan, Emily Martha Sorensen, Katie Jenkins, Todd Fahnestock, Eileen Mueller, Richard H. Stephens, S. A. Patrick, Laura Daleo, B. K. Boes, Nicole Zoltack, A. G. Roemmers, Anabel Bright, Sarah K. L. Wilson, Joss Walker și R. L. Perez, Dani Hoots și mulți alții, Alisha Klapheke a revoluționat proza fantastică cu imaginația ei. <br />Recomand această carte cititorilor 14+ pentru că există scene prea înfricoșătoare pentru cititorii mai mici.
April 09 2021
The quest continues.<br />This was a very quick read. Total cliffhanger.<br /><br />My predictions:<br />Ryton is the key to all of this. And his deceased sister. Astraea did something, I'm thinking...just not sure what yet.<br /><br />So, Vahly has come into more magic! She's managed to find a gryphon egg, the ruins of a human city, a mortal enemy, and life long friends. Now, how long their lives will last is the question! Her earth magic is leading her around the continent on a mission of sorts. She has to collect all of the "checkmarks" in order for her full magic to ignite. Ignite might not be the best word but you know.<br />I liked the bit of steam between Vahly and Arc. Their relationship has slowly blossomed. Nix is not really herself; grief being a heavy cloak.<br />There's a sparse amount of profanities (2 that I can remember). No sex, some battle, no gore, some dark magic (creature included), that was gruesome to me, but mild compared to some other books I've read. Nothing else untoward. Definitely a YA.<br />On to the next!
July 06 2022
I am loving this series! Vahly and her friends set off to find other ways to gain her powers as the earth queen and find, among other things, an egg. And since there are already plenty of dragons, and so it can't be a dragon egg, we get a twist - a gryphon egg. Humans were known to love their pets after all. And this gryphon is everything we didn't know to hope for - just don't fight Vahly's love interest out of a misguided-yet-super-cute need to protect her! Complete with underwater adventures and a few "cons," this book is non-stop adventure from beginning to end. And of course, a cliff-hanger, making me thankful I have the entire series. You have been warned.
April 26 2021
Valhy is still on her quest with her closest friends<br /><br />I listened to this book, voice was great, just like book 1.<br /><br />Valhy has taken the first step in a series of steps to gain full access to her powers. She might have activated her Earth magic but there seems to be more to being the Earth Queen than merely activating those powers. She has no control over it. Yes, she feels the steady, powerful pulse of the earth and has moments she can do some things. And yes, it is quite handy that she has that activity right when it’s needed the most but with this you either see it as convenient or too easy and not worth your reading time but it can also be seen as her only being able to access that power instinctively and only when it is needed the most.<br />So mostly, she is lacking something or some action before she has total control or access. That can be seen as a means to drag out the storyline to some but to me, it suits the story, it can be seen as Valhy needing to activate her full power through bonding more and more with the earth and it’s -and her- magic. A nice change from the instant-power-gain that is in a lot of other books.<br /><br />They don’t really know what to do beforehand, it’s just an instinctive pull that tucks at Valhy, pushing her forward towards the last Earth Queen’s city. Although sometimes that made me feel like I didn’t know whether I liked the story at that certain point but each time the story develops in a way that it truly overcomes those very, very short moments of insecurity.<br /><br />Meanwhile the Sea Queen is still working towards her goal to flood the entire world. Which also means eliminating the Earth Queen before she becomes more powerful. The Sea Queen is a vicious cold-hearted “true villain” but there is a bit of insight in what motivates her that wouldn’t have been possible to achieve if this book or series where told from Valhy’s pov. The third-person point of view really tides this story together and makes for a steady, smooth reading pace.<br />All in all, I look forward to book 3!