October 03 2016
Another fun-filled romp of an adventure with the Famous Five. This one involves runaway pigs, abducted pilots and stolen military aircraft, so it's an exciting one. Rest assured, though, the kids still find time to eat five times their body weight in food. I'm starting to suspect they're actually hobbits masquerading as human children.
June 18 2017
<img src="https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1503075150i/23626686._SX540_.jpg" class="gr-hostedUserImg" loading="lazy">
August 29 2019
Another one with quite an enjoyable mystery. I have noticed with some of these later ones that there is not as much emphasis on George wanting to be a boy any more. Also during some of the adventures Julian tells the girls not to get involved in parts of it and she meekly accepts. I know she was an annoyance at times but I preferred her when she was fiery. I wonder why Blyton toned her down.<br />Benny and Curly were great additions to the story.
June 17 2019
Genuinely don't think I had ever actually listened to this one as a child and so the adventure was all new to me. However, I don't think this is one of the best adventures that the five have as once again it's focused on the boys predominantly, and it's more of a mystery that they just happen to kind of be a part of, rather than true investigation.<br /><br />This is the story of the kids visiting Billycock hill and befriending a young pilot. However, it seems like quickly there is a mystery with the planes at the local airfield and he's implicated...<br /><br />A fun easy read, but nothing too exciting. 2*s from me.
May 03 2015
Enid Blytonin Viisikko-sarjaa tuli luettua lapsena melko ahkerasti, joskin on rehellisyyden nimissä sanottava, ettei se ole jättänyt kovin tarkkoja muistikuvia. Lasten ja heidän koiransa nimet muistin sentään ulkoa, mutta siinä oikeastaan kaikki. Niinpä oli aika lainata kirjastosta "Viisikko vapauttaa lentäjät" (Tammi, 2005), joka ilmestyi alun perin vuonna 1957 ja oli järjestyksessään kuudestoista Viisikko-tarina.<br /><br />Dick, Leo, Anne, Pauli ja Tim-koira ovat jälleen lomalla (yksi kirjojen klisee ilmeisesti tämäkin) ja lähtevät telttailemaan Billycock Hill -nimiselle paikkakunnalle, jonka lähellä sijaitsee lentotukikohta. Kavereinaan heillä on Toby, tämän pikkuveli Beni (sic - alkuperäistekstissä niinkin eksoottinen tapaus kuin Benny) ja karkaileva porsas nimeltään Korkkiruuvi. <br /><br />Synkkänä ja myrskyisenä yönä lentotukikohdasta katoaa kaksi hävittäjää, ja syyllisiksi epäillään kahta lentäjää, joista toinen on Tobyn serkkupoika. Viisikon on siis käytävä tutkimaan tapausta. Miten lähellä sijaitseva perhosfarmi erikoisine luonnontutkijoineen liittyy asiaan? <br /><br />Englannin maaseudun kuvaamisessa on jotakin idyllistä, ja tietynlainen viattomuus on omalla tavallaan ihan viehättävää. Mutta! Seikkailu on sanalla sanoen vähän tylsänpuoleinen, eikä siinä oikeastaan tapahdu mitään kovin jännittävää. Lieneekö aika sitten tehnyt tehtävänsä Viisikkojen suhteen, vai sattuiko tämä olemaan vain keskimääräistä mitäänsanomattomampi tarina, mene ja tiedä! Voisi näitä silti harkita vinkkaavansa pienemmille alakoululaisille, tiedä jos vaikka jotain nämä saisivat irti.<br /><br />Sukupuoliroolit istuvat romaanissa melko tiukassa. Vaarallisimpiin juttuihin käyvät pojat kahdestaan, ja maatilan töissäkin kanalan kalkitseminen on ns. vähemmän kauniin sukupuolen hommaa. Se kyllä kismittää poikatyttö-Paulia, mutta ei tämä ihmeemmin ala pulikoida vastaan.<br /><br />Ja hei, on se ihan totta: näissä kirjoissa tosiaan syödään jatkuvasti.
August 20 2018
Die Fünf Freunde bei der Schmetterlingsfarm - gestohlene Flugzeuge und verschwundene Personen. Was gleich bleibt ist dass ein Junge aus der Nachbarschaft mit dabei ist. Ich sehe da ein Schema ;) [10.08.2018]
August 12 2013
<b>The Five discover a secret airbase</b><br>16 August 2013<br><br> I guess by number 16 the stories start to become a little dry and the setting a little too familiar. I have mentioned it before, and the reason is that others have also mentioned it: the Famous Five do not seem to grow up and that there seems to be an awful lot of holidays in England. In fact the Famous Five seem to spend more time on holidays than they do at school, and further, there seems to be many places around Kirin Cottage for them to explore (though I think there have been a couple where they have gone to Julian, Dick, and Anne's house, though they do not spend much time there).<br><br> However, enough of that because they are still an enjoyable read, and I doubt that Enid Blyton would have written 21 of them if people had become board after, say, number 10. Mind you, the Secret Seven books seem to take place over a much shorter time, and they are not necessarily on holidays, but they is probably because they all live in the same town and can easily meet up with each other. The Famous Five, on the other hand, live quite a distance apart, and also go to boarding schools, so they can really only visit each other on school holidays. Still, one would think that by this book they would have well and truly entered puberty.<br><br> This book is set during the Whitsunday holiday (apparently when they get a week off school, not that I know anything about that because here in Australia I never had a week off school during Witsunday, not that I actually know what Whitsunday is – we only ever had time off school during Easter, though when I was a kid we had two two week holidays between the terms and a two month holiday over Christmas and summer). Anyway, they decide to go and visit a friend of Julian and Dick's from school at a place called Billycock Hill were there is a butterfly farm and a secret airbase (not that they can go and run around the airbase because it is secret, and they do get told off when they go and have a swim in the pond).<br><br> As with some of the other books, a bulk of the story is about their little holiday at Billycock Hill and only the last third involves the adventure that they stumble upon. This one involves a couple of planes that are stolen and their friend's cousin is implicated in the theft because he, and his colleague, go missing at the same time the plane goes missing. As is typical, the Five stumble across the perpetrators of the crime, and inform the police of their discovery, and then Timmy locates (actually it is not Timmy but a piglet) the missing pilots and everything goes back to normal.<br><br> The pigling (as she calls it, though I always thought they were called piglets) was an interesting addition to this story. Basically the friend's little brother has a thing for baby animals (and they do live on a farm) so whenever a new animal is born the brother immediately forms an attachment to it: this time it is a pigling. The pigling unfortunately has a habit of running away, and the little brother tends to get into trouble when he runs off to find the pigling. However, this time the pigling saves the day, despite it being nowhere near as intelligent as Timmy.<br><br> As for Timmy, it is interesting that the TV series use this dog as Timmy:<br><br><img src="https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1380432819i/870587.jpg" width="133" height="230" alt="TV Timmy" class="gr-hostedUserImg" loading="lazy"><br><br> when in the books, Timmy looks more like this:<br><br><img src="https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1380432819i/870588.jpg" alt="Book Timmy" class="gr-hostedUserImg" loading="lazy"><br><br> I've also noted that Disney has decided to produce an animated series involving the children of the Famous Five but personally, I really don't think it would capture the essence of the original Blyton stories.
April 07 2022
The Famous Five off on their holidays as usual, they found another adventure again.<br /><br />I liked the planes and the funny saying 'He runned away again!'<br /><br />Timmy is my favourite because he's a nice dog. I like Julian because he's determined and looks out for everyone. I like George because she has an fabulous Island and a good dog and she's got hair like me. I like Anne because she is in charge of the food and I'm always hungry. I like Dick because he likes a good meal and I'm like him but he's got short hair. I wish I could meet all of the Famous Five.<br /><br />The book made me feel very excited because of the planes. I didn't want to stop reading the book. I think this one is the best so far in this series of books.<br /><br />If you like planes or butterfly farms you should read this book.<br /><br />- AJH (age 7)
May 15 2014
Enid Blyton remains -and after this book, stays - as one of my favorite authors. This book made for a good merry tale of adventure and innocence, and the pages flew by in one day. I needed this book after a few mismatched and false starts and hiccups. I needed the silky and fluid narrative that this book provided. If there had been a clever enough ending instead of the dumb one provided then it would be one of the best ever. This book is about the Famous Five going off to a Hill bracketed by a proper Farm and a Butterfly Farm. It's about two airmen that needed rescuing from the Caves(of course).
March 21 2019
Χαίρομαι που έπεσε στα χέρια μου αυτό το βιβλίο! Οι πέντε φίλοι που μου κράτησαν συντροφιά με τις περιπέτειες τους όταν ήμουν μικρή κατάφεραν να με γυρίσουν πίσω σε όμορφες και ανέμελες στιγμές της ζωής μου που το μόνο που ήθελα ήταν να ζήσω και εγώ μία περιπέτεια με τους φίλους μου! <br /><br />I'm glad I got a copy of this book! The five friends that kept me company with their adventures while I was little managed to take me back in beautiful and carefree moments in my life when I just wanted to experience an adventure like their's with my friends!