October 08 2016
In Search of the Castaways; or the Children of Captain Grant (Extraordinary Voyages #5), Jules Verne<br />تاریخ نخستین خوانش: هشتم اکتبر سال 1970 میلادی<br />عنوان: فرزندان کاپیتان گرانت؛ اثر ژول ورن؛ مترجم: جواد محبی؛ تهران،انتشارات گوتنبرگ؛ چاپ دوم 1347؛ در 671 ص؛ <br />عنوان: فرزندان کاپیتان گرانت؛ اثر: ژول ورن؛ مترجم: مسعود گلزاری؛ تهران، دادجو، 1387، در 156 ص؛ شابک: 9789642621538؛ <br />داستان غرق شدن کشتی کاپیتان گرانت و اسیر شدن او به دست بومیان است. خلاصه متن داستان نیز در اینترنت هست<br />ا. شربیانی
April 05 2017
در روز ۲۶ ژوئیه ۱۸۶۴ میلادی، یك كشتی تفریحی بسیار زیبا به نام “دونجان” كه متعلق به “لرد گلناروان”، یك اصیلزاده اسكاتلندی بود، اولین سفر دریایی خود را در کانال شمال به سمت بندر گلاسکو آغاز كرد. بر فراز بلندترین دكل كشتی پرچم انگلیس در اهتزاز بود و در آن لرد گلناروان و همسر جوان او “هلن” و دوستانش قرار داشتند. آنها به طور اتفاقی یک كوسهماهی را به قلاب انداختند و صید كردند. در شكم حیوان دریایی یك بطری پیدا كردند كه درون آن سه نوشته به زبان های انگلیسی، فرانسه و آلمانی قرار داشت كه حامل پیامی از یك حادثه بسیار وحشتناک بود.<br /><br />پیام از این قرار بود كه كشتی “بریتانیا” در سواحل “پاتاگونیا” در نیمكره جنوبی غرق شد. دو ملوان و “كاپیتان گرانت” به طرف خشكی رفتند و سعی كردند؛ در آنجا لنگر بیندازند، ولی به وسیله سرخپوستان بیرحم دستگیر شدند. در آن كاغذها سندی مبنی بر نقشه جغرافیایی آن منطقه، به همراه طلب كمك برای آزادی آنها درج شده بود. این پیام در واقع درخواستِ کمک شخصی به نام كاپیتان “هری گرانت” بود كه بیش از دو سال پیش همراه با كشتی “بریتانیا” در سواحل آمریكای جنوبی مفقود شده بود.<br />لرد گلناراوان و همسرش به محض اطلاع از این موضوع خود را به لندن می رسانند و از طریق یک آگهی در مورد کاپیتان گرانت در روزنامه با “مری” و “روبرت”، فرزندان کاپیتان گرانت ارتباط برقرار می کنند. دولت از انجام هرگونه عملیات امداد و نجات برای کاپیتان مفقود شده خودداری می نماید. اما لرد گلناراوان و همسرش با دیدن وضعیت فرزندان کاپیتان گرانت، تصمیم می گیرند خود به تنهایی برای پیدا کردن و نجات او اقدام کنند. لرد گلناراوان و همسرش به همراه فرزندان کاپیتان گرانت و خدمه کشتی دونجان عازم آمریکای جنوبی می شوند؛ در حالی که تنها راهنمای آنها متن رنگ و رو رفته یک پیام است که به سه زبان و به صورت نامفهوم نوشته شده است …
October 03 2016
Un ¡BOOM!, resuena en la cabeza al querer recordar todo lo que ha sucedido en el libro. Tiene más de 700 páginas y viajan del oeste al este recorriendo casi 360º de longitud. Todo para buscar a un buque naufragado y en especial al padre de dos hermosas criaturas que pidieron ayuda a todo un caballero, y que se echa la expedición a sus hombros y cartera.<br /><br />Es el libro más valorado de Verne, y uno de los menos conocidos por no tener su toque de ciencia ficción y de predicción futura. Ocurre absolutamente todo lo posible que a un lector le puede atraer (viaje, peleas, amores, aventuras, terror…) salvo lo comentado.<br />
March 05 2015
I read this one as a little girl and I remember I loved it! I want to read it again.
September 28 2019
Nonostante le difficoltà riscontrate nella lettura, mi è piaciuto. Da piccola lo avrei adorato (ovviamente non una versione integrale come questa!). Per chi voglia approcciarsi a Verne, questo non è sicuramente il libro da cui partire. Consiglio opere più brevi come "Viaggio al centro della terra" (bellissimo!).
February 10 2018
От тази история помня, че:<br />- е най-лошо да сбъркаш кораб - следващата спирка може да е отвъд екватора; <br />- в Андите има кондори и индианци - представители на две благородни, но преследвани раси;<br />- португалският и испанският са различни езици;<br />- в Нова Зеландия мисионерите през 19-ти век са преподавали бабини трънкини суеверия на “диваците”, за да ги убедят във величието на Бог. Затова някак логично ми се видя маорите да не искат да влязат в християнското лоно. Това с канибализма беше ужасно, макар в много племена по света той да се е практикувал до късно поне ритуално.<br /><br />И да, географията е важна. Защото ще те отведе, където пожелаеш, а не където те тикат разни доктрини.
January 24 2022
Навремето така съм я издирвала да я чета! Много интересна книга, препрочитана.
August 26 2018
Тази година се навършват 150 години от издаването на „Децата на капитан Грант” на недостижимия Жул Верн. А такъв кръгъл юбилей е прекрасен повод да си припомним и без това незабравимия пети роман от поредицата „Необикновени пътешествия“ и едно от най-забележителните произведения в приключенската литература. Прочетете ревюто на "Книжни Криле": <a target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" href="https://knijnikrile.wordpress.com/2018/08/25/%d0%b4%d0%b5%d1%86%d0%b0%d1%82%d0%b0-%d0%bd%d0%b0-%d0%ba%d0%b0%d0%bf%d0%b8%d1%82%d0%b0%d0%bd-%d0%b3%d1%80%d0%b0%d0%bd%d1%82-%d0%bd%d0%b0-%d0%bd%d0%b5%d0%b4%d0%be%d1%81%d1%82%d0%b8/">https://knijnikrile.wordpress.com/201...</a>
July 18 2010
I hate to do this, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to give my beloved Jules Verne a mere 2 stars for this book. I have been huge fan of "The Mysterious Island" since I was probably 10 or 12, and when I found out this book was a prequel to "The Mysterious Island" I thought "why have I never heard of this book??!!". Well, now I know why. Not every book every successful author writes is worthwhile. <br /><br />The premise of "Captain Grant's Children" (also published under "In Search of the Castaways") is a mysterious message found in a bottle. The message was thrown into the sea by Captain Grant who has been shipwrecked and presumably marooned somewhere. The latitude is the only number legible, so a search along the 37th parallel south is begun. Lord and Lady Glenarvan fund the expedition and provide the yacht, bringing Mary and Robert Grant, the children of Captain Grant, with them.<br /><br />Sounds like the beginning of a fairly good adventure, yes? Well, alas there are complications. The characters are rather wooden and unnatural, and some of the situations are frankly absurd. We began reading this book aloud after I had asked for it as a Christmas present. We had to halt our readings when we got to the point where the party is hiking in Patagonia along the 37th parallel. Huddled in a hut (I said that on purpose for literary emphasis), half frozen because they have been forced to hike very high in the Andes, an earthquake suddenly turns the very ground into a moving avalanche of gravel and skree. The search party almost "ski" down the mountainside with the rubble from the earthquake. (absurd situation #1) When they reach the bottom of the mountain, they discover young lad Robert is missing while all the rest of them have somehow survived with only scratches (absurd situation #2). Searching for him they eventually see a large condor flying while carrying something. You guessed it.... the condor has young lad Robert gripped in its nasty talons!!! (absurd situation #3) Hoots of derision begin among the listeners, and then become howls of laughter when a native southern American named Thulcave sees poor young Robert and shoots the condor in flight (absurd situation #4) and the dead condor then continues to hold young lad Robert in his nasty pesky talons and falls like a parachute to the ground (absurd situation #5) delivering a stunned but otherwise safe young lad Robert to his friends (absurd situation #6). All this in about 10 pages. Up until Thulcave arrived on the scene, we had been rooting for the condor because young lad Robert was so annoying! <br /><br />Poor Jules Verne was trying out a theme that he developed more successfully in "Around the World in 80 Days" (published in 1873) and then also later in "The Mysterious Island" (published in 1874). But in this particular book, it just isn't really worth it. Read "The Mysterious Island" to find out about Ayrton and how he came to be on Tabor island.
September 18 2019
Have you ever liked something simply because it was loved by someone you love?<br /><br />"Captain Grant's Children" got that much going for it at the start of my reading, because some 50 years ago it was loved by three young, adventurous boys who would grow up to be my father and uncles.<br /><br />After an adventurous summer hiking trip, I was feeling adventurous, myself- I wanted to read a good, solid, old-school adventure novel.<br /><br />I really liked the premise, the beginning and the ending caught my attention, some tricky situations were resolved in a really clever manner, there were quite a few interesting tidbits, but...<br /><br />But the 19th-century blend of an adventure novel and literary documentary didn't work for me.<br /><br />There was a plot, definitely, but slowed down by numerous descriptions of curious local weather conditions, peculiarities of flora and fauna, inventories of the ship's many sails...<br /><br />On the one hand, reading all this extra information was truly fascinating, especially when a reader reminds himself there was no Wiki, no internet, no television in Jules Verne's time. Gathering information, plotting and writing the thing must have been exhausting! A brilliant undertaking!<br /><br />On the other hand, it was... all... just... too... much. :/ I might have been too millenial for it.<br /><br />So, I can appreciate it, but I didn't truly enjoy it.