July 19 2013
You're reading this book and you just think the whole time "man this guy is so awesome and so smart he rules." And you mention it to someone that you're reading it and they say "he was an anti-semite." And you think "oh he couldn't have been. He goes on and on about the worth of all people and he genuinely seems to care about everyone.' And then there's this one random passage in the last chapter where he basically says something like "I know we get a lot of guff for the jew thing but honestly it's not that big of a deal when one group of people are so different than everyone else you have to blah blah blah" and you go "wait what?" And that one random passage totally bums you out about Henry Ford because you had convinced yourself he wasn't that bad. And who knows. Maybe he was a product of his time. Read the rest of the book, though, it's spectacular. <br /><br />Also there's all this stuff where he's like "and what's the deal with hospitals they are run so dumb. It's not that hard, I started a hospital and it works great" and you think "uh huh sure" so you google it and yes, in fact, his hospital is still going, and was and STILL IS a great hospital, pioneering in medical care. Weird. This was true with schools too. And railroads. What a ridiculously smart human being. <br /><br /><br />
March 12 2022
4.75 ⭐<br /><br />GENRE - AUTOBIOGRAPHY <br /><br />Well to start with I had purchased this book expecting that Henry Ford would be speaking in this book about his personal life and how did he come about establishing the FORD MOTOR COMPANY ? But it wasn't to be the case!! Was I left disappointed, Hell No!!!!!<br /><br />I always had this belief that great Inventors / Engineers don't make great Businessmen but that isn't the case with Mr. Henry Ford.<br /><br />About the Book :- The book starts with Henry Fords early years and the founding of FORD MOTORS COMPANY. The USP of this book is the Vision of Mr. Henry Ford, he being someone way ahead of this time altough most of the Business techniques and suggestions that he has stated in this book may appear to be outdated but what stands out is his Business Planning, Vision & Business Mind.<br />Ford has also systematically stated the duties an Entrepreneur has towards Society, Country, Employees, Industry and So on.<br /><br />To me this book appeared more than a Business Management book than a Autobiography and recommend this book to all those readers who love reading works of Businessmen and Entrepreneurs.<br />I enjoyed reading the life and work of the great Henry Ford?<br /><br />Thank You ? ? ✌
December 27 2020
Хенри Форд е стожер на модерния ни свят.<br /><br />От my Life and Work имайте предвид, че 95% от книгата си е за my work и това явно е отличителна черта на първите предприемачи в новия свят - оформили и неговия облик, а и този на останалия свят. Трудолюбие - това е водещата дума. <br /><br />В голяма част от книгата ми напомни на практическо помагало, което да се чете след Адам Смит. Защото прилага на практика теорията. Доразвива я и я изговаря с думи разбираеми на база целия натрупан опит от реалния бизнес. Абсолютно задължително четиво за всеки предприемач, тъй като залегналите принципи, формирани тук, са валидни и до днес. <br /><br />Набързо прави на пух и прах теорията и практиките на болшевиките. По едно време се изказва и по "еврейския въпрос", където, поради дистанция на времето, ми бяга смисълът да присъства в тази книга, но явно си е било тема по това време. Просто не съм сигурен за контекста. <br /><br />Много ми харесаха принципите. Това е Хенри Форд, това признава - принципи и работа. Какво още ме впечатли:<br />- Дал е пример с първите реклами на Форд. Маркетирали са се като услуга. Продавали са услуга, не продукт.<br />- Искал е колите да са издържливи, с взаимозаменяеми части. Това е устойчиво мислене, не печелбарско.<br />- В един случай, когато са продали по-скъпо някакви коли, после са върнали пари на клиентите, за необоснована надценка. <br />- Продавачите са ги считали за партньори. Всеки работник е считал за партньор. Поне такава е концепцията. <br />- Надникът се изкарва. И др...<br /><br />Препоръчвам! Универсална книга с устойчиви поуки на над век.
August 08 2012
Wow.<br /><br />Released around 1923, except for the prices, this book could have been written yesterday.<br /><br />Mr. Ford is a character with very stringent and seemingly unbending views and beliefs on life and what is right and what is wrong. He speaks with great authority and makes many sweeping statements that caused me to wonder. <br /><br />But a great read!
February 07 2019
A book about a man who changed the world with his vision and philosophy. The book is filled with wisdom and core principles about business which are as equally valuable today as it were back then. Hord was a big believer in self-reliance, simplicity, and honest hard work. While most of the other businessmen in his industry were chasing revenue, Henry Ford was focusing on service and developing a good product that would be available for everyone. Entrepreneurs today can learn a lot from this.
February 07 2017
Генри Форд описал историю своей компании такой, какой он хотел бы, чтобы её видели другие. Сильно разбавил это своими взглядами на бизнес в целом и его предназначение, на работу, на человечество, на будущее.<br />Очень ценно то, что многое из описанного Фордом до сих пор выглядит прорывом в бизнес-практике, даже современной. В описаниях улавливаются элементы того, что сейчас принято называть "бирюзовыми" организациями. <br />Вместе с тем, читая книгу, приходится включать "защиту от розовых очков". Возникает желание узнать взгляд на происходящее с другой стороны, чтобы уравновесить восприятие.
December 21 2021
I got this when it was free for Kindle from Amazon. I didn't know much about Ford and really, I still don't. This is purely a business book. There's not much of his "life" in it. I checked to see when he died, how many kids he had, etc and then I found out about his other issues. There's only a brief mention about his discriminations and politics, as the Peace Ship, here. <br><br>For a book edition that says 206 pages, it took me forever to read it so be forewarned with this Kindle edition. <br><br><img src="https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1583972164i/29092678._SY540_.jpg" width="400" height="400" alt="HenryFord" class="gr-hostedUserImg" loading="lazy"><br><br>What I did find out about was the manufacturing of cars and I have to admit, this book put me to sleep quite a few nights on those details. But it was amazing what he accomplished in the way of hiring the handicapped, women (assuming that their husbands didn't have jobs) and even a factory where farmers could do work during the off-season. Prices on Model Ts (and yes, there were other Models, such as K was a racing car and A, C and S) were lowered every year and workers had that famous $6 a day, 6 days a week job (later 5) yet sales increased.<br><br>He was able to make those savings by streamlining all aspects of his business--for example there were no titles (except those mandated by law), no phone extensions and bosses didn't have offices. Every suggestion by the line workers to ease work, or speed it up, was taken seriously. As he said, when you make 4,000 cars a day, a half penny savings adds up. <br><br><img src="https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1640121156i/32348829._SX540_.png" width="400" height="400" alt="HFquotefault" class="gr-hostedUserImg" loading="lazy"><br>He bought a railroad because he really wanted the land it was on, and ended up running that better than others despite the government and lawyers. When a founding hosptial asked him yet again for donations, he bought it, returned all the donations, built it and ran it successfully. A school for boys not only gave them skills and a basic education, but a paycheck. <br><br><img src="https://www.mindset2millions.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Whether-you-think-you-can-or-you-think-you-cant-%E2%80%93-youre-right-Henry-Ford.png" width="400" height="400" alt="HFquote" class="gr-hostedUserImg" loading="lazy"><br><br>
January 25 2013
Henry Fords “My life and work” was a great book. It was full of great ideas about business and life. In the book he told some about his childhood and growing up, how he grew up on his family farm but always wanted to implement smarter ideas to make his work easier. He told about his business ideas including ways he cut down weight and save money while creating an overall better product. I would recommend this book to anyone in high school or over looking for a thoughtful read that makes you think a lot about the way the world works.
January 16 2017
У цій книзі Генрі Форд розповідає про свої ідеї та їхні реалізації на практиці, доводячи, що бізнес — це не про гроші, а про надання якісних послуг. Його ставлення до цінової політики, якості продукту, забезпечення робітників найкращими умовами праці та спрощення виробництва заслуговують на величезну повагу, а головне — ці міркування працюють. Звісно, деякі його слова щодо "людського фактору" можуть і мають бути розкритиковані, але, чесно кажучи, мені стало надзвичайно цікаво, наскільки б змінився текст цієї книги, якби він був написаний після Другої світової.
March 01 2012
Жалею, что не прочитал эту книгу намного ранее.<br /><br />Генри Форд в моих глазах затмил огромную плеяду предпринимателей. Он идеалист, но идеалист с необычайно высокими жизненными ценностями и моралью, и только после этого ещё и величайший предприниматель, реформатор и оптимизатор. <br /><br />Конечно же идеальных людей не бывает. Это же и касается Форда. Есть некоторые моменты, где автор очень уж перегибает палку, а иногда очень критичен, и навязчив своей идеей. Как по мне главная ошибка Форда это то, что всем людям нужен только самый доступный товар. Он совсем забыл о таком понятие как позиционирование. Но это можно понять так как человеку сложно совмещать в себе так много сильных сторон и качеств как это удалось Генри Форду.<br /><br />Чтобы не жалеть как я - читайте уже сейчас!<br />