Shade Chaser

56 Reviews
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A wizard, a werewolf, and a watchmaker walk into a bar...and don't come out alive. Two months after the infamous Etruscan Incident, it's back to normal for DSI—as normal as life can be when you hunt monsters on a salary. The rest of Nick Riker's elite team has finally returned from France. Cooper Lee has healed from his nightmare trip to the Eververse. The remnants of the battles with Charun and Tuchulcha have been swept under the rug. And the exploding boathouse in Holden Park has (almost) been rebuilt. All is calm in Aurora, Michigan. Until a grisly triple murder in one of the city's most popular bars destroys the delicate balance between three powerful forces. A high-ranking werewolf, a seasoned wizard, and a former mayor turned watchmaker wind up in body bags, and their deaths pit the ICM, DSI, and Aurora's Wolf community against each other in a blame game of epic proportions. And as the accusations spiral out of control, threatening a supernatural war on Aurora's streets, it's ...
Added on:
June 30 2023
Clara Coulson
Promptchan AI
Shade Chaser Chapters

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Shade Chaser Reviews (56)

5 point out of 5 point
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Kit (Metaphors and Moonlight)

December 09 2016

<b>4 Stars</b><br /><br /><b>Full Review:</b><br />*I received an ecopy of this book via NetGalley. This has in no way influenced my review.*<br /><br />It seems like there's a lot of urban fantasy out there with male protagonists who are snarky and gritty and rough. Their favorite pastimes are drinking and gambling and smoking. They ain't got no time or desire for romance or friendship. They're always running around with machetes strapped to their thighs and their guns ablazin'. What I love so much about this series though is that it's pure urban fantasy with a fun, snarky male protagonist, but he's not quite so rough around the edges---he's real and relatable. He's a normal person, like you and me, he has struggles and emotions, but he just so happens to fight supernatural creatures for a living. And those fights with supernatural creatures do affect him mentally, just like they would any normal person. And even though he may not be ready to settle down into serious commitment, he's not a misanthrope either and has people in his life he cares about and has relationships with.<br /><br />But I gotta say, even though another one of the things I like about this series is the way the author doesn't avoid the blood and gore, for once I'm actually glad an author didn't go into all the gritty and gruesome details and instead skipped over some parts because I don't think I could've handled some of what happened in this book. It was... <i>wow.</i> Awful. Torture. Legitimate, actual torture. Cal was still cracking the occasional joke in his mind because that was how he coped, but I couldn't laugh until it was over. The poor guy already had PTSD and panic attacks and nightmares from all his previous trauma, so that definitely didn't help. I actually shed a tear a few times just imagining how horrible it must have been and must still be for Cal, like when he told the story to everyone and when Desmond, Ella, and Cooper told him how worried they had been.<br /><br />Once again though, even though all the horrific details weren't present, Cal's (and everyone's) injuries were still realistic; he felt exhausted and sore, he needed time to heal, etc., and I loved that because that is something so many books are lacking. Including realistic injuries goes a long way in making the whole book feel so much more realistic.<br /><br />I also liked how everyone mattered, at least to Cal (and the author, I suppose). For example, someone died who Cal didn't know, he was just on a scouting team or something, but he had a name, and Cal made sure to learn and mention his name.<br /><br />Anyway, once I got into this story, I didn't want to stop reading. The plot was gripping, I wanted to know what would happen to Cal and if he'd be ok and how he'd handle things, and it was just overall another great, action-packed book in the series. It even had a bit more emotion and really touching friendships among the team members, and Cal was just as real and likeable as he was in the first book. I'm definitely looking forward to the next!<br /><br /><b>Recommended For:</b><br />Fans of Book 1 in Clara Coulson's City of Crows Series. Anyone who likes action-packed urban fantasy, supernatural creatures, a hilariously snarky but also realistic and compassionate protag, and touching friendships/team dynamics.<br /><br /><b> <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener">Original Review @ Metaphors and Moonlight</a> </b>


All Things Urban Fantasy

January 23 2017

Review courtesy of <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener">All Things Urban Fantasy</a>:<br /><br />SHADE CHASER was a rare type of book, where the police work and procedures felt real, despite the supernatural nature of the cases they are investigating. There was paperwork, there was calling for backup when necessary and there were life-altering injuries to important characters.<br /><br />This is the second book of the series, and although I had questions about the events of the first book, I never felt too confused to not be interested by the current investigation. There has been a dramatic triple murder in the basement of a well-loved pub, and not only are the three men prominent figures in their field, the event has the potential to start a magical civil war, in a world where most people do not know about magic.<br /><br />The Crows (or Kooks, as the regular police force calls them) are mostly human, some of which have a few tricks up their sleeve. Cal, the main character, has a bit of magic detection, and a nearly killer case of deja vu. They also carry charged magical rings that can shock or burn their supernatural enemies. Even when faced with more powerful werewolves, wizards and witches, they hold their own and have each other’s back.<br /><br />There is a big threat to the world than the evil that the Crows are having to deal with in SHADE CHASER, and it’s coming sooner than later. The writing was quick and excellent, with incredibly catchy first sentences to each chapter that drew me in and sometimes earned a chuckle. Seriously, who can resist an opening line like this one: “Everything is going according to plan—until the building explodes.” A must read if you love urban fantasy with a police procedural twist.



August 01 2018

<b>3.75 stars rounded up</b><br /><br />It took slightly longer for me to finish this, but not because the book was less exciting compared to book #1. Let's just say my mood was gearing towards romance and/or I wanted to marathon some TV episodes. <br /><br />Anyway, I thought this was good! Cal Kinsey, the <i>baby</i> in Riker's elite team shows that there's more than meets the eyes. He may be the youngest, but boy, the way that he holds on during the kidnapped/tortured moments! I am very proud of him.<br /><br />Although I admit that with all his injuries, he still able to do things he does... I wonder if Cal has some sort of inhuman abilities in him :p. In fact, I wonder if ALL of the DSI team actually not 100% human! It seems like they have power of their own.<br /><br />To recap a couple of things ... and this is all important spoilers, which is why I put it behind a tag... <input type="checkbox" class="spoiler__control" aria-label="The following text has been marked spoiler. Toggle checkbox to reveal or hide." onchange="this.labels[0].setAttribute('aria-hidden', !this.checked);" id="14f03003-2285-46a7-a0b6-bbbf7f2f1922" /><label aria-hidden="true" class="spoiler" for="14f03003-2285-46a7-a0b6-bbbf7f2f1922"><br />Allen Marcus is a douchebag who has his hands on previous case of sacrificing kids to Charun, and now he's calling another Underground deity. I'm glad that Erica kicks his ass and well, sends his ass to that deity. Marcus is dead. Rejoice!<br /><br />It seems that Cal has mysterious protector -- in form of an owl shape-shifter?<br /><br />There's a bigger player that has not yet known, probably vampire, who becomes a big enemy for the wolves and witches</label><br /><br />On another note, I like Erica, I really do. She's a kick-ass witch. But can we have Cal dates Cooper instead in the future book *lol*. I can't help it, my romantic M/M heart prefer Cal with Cooper.



June 11 2018

Didn't like this as much as the first book, has the same writing flaws as the first; first person, present tense (which can work but rarely a favourite) blocky dialogue and a few odd choices. It's also, like the first book action packed with plenty going on and interesting characters.<br /><br />The injuries got a <i>trifle</i> ridiculous, I mean I thought that Sookie girl took some punishment. Why have a fracture when it could be a compound fracture, every break should have visible bone; in fact once plastered break it again. If you haven't got at least one broken rib you've not earned your place in this book! And make sure you go for a full hilt cross-country run for warm up. It was too much and caused some eye-rolling.<br /><br />It's clear Calvin is something special, but several characters show incredible strength; carrying people, throwing people, it beggared belief. Even for the highly trained. Some of the magical powers were also suddenly off the scale to an extent unexplained.<br /><br />Would like to see some down time, have a chance to get more to grips with the characters. There was far less detecting in this book, more a series fo being thrown into danger then a big ta-da showdown.<br /><br />Feel this series is good, but could be great.<br />Going to give the next book a try and will see from there.



October 30 2018




July 30 2018

<b>3.5</b><br />I really liked the first book even while it was my first book since years without a M/M couple the world building was captivating enough working through a rarely (if ever) used mythology. The MC although with a heavy hero complex failed, came to grief often enough and knew he can't conquer everything on his own. Of course I liked his snark and sometime sass.<br /><br />Here now ... while I still enjoyed the tale it was too much hero, too much self-blaming, too much stand-up-and-fight-again and handling of his own injuries were borderline ridiculous <input type="checkbox" class="spoiler__control" aria-label="The following text has been marked spoiler. Toggle checkbox to reveal or hide." onchange="this.labels[0].setAttribute('aria-hidden', !this.checked);" id="c7c35601-3868-4a65-a41e-6887552568a6" /><label aria-hidden="true" class="spoiler" for="c7c35601-3868-4a65-a41e-6887552568a6">e.g. after his fingernails got pulled he still can use his fingers to search for the lock of a hidden door in a brick wall?!</label> and honestly I was a bit annoyed about his attitude regarding Cooper. I really would have liked to see those two get together in time but now I can't see that coming anymore. Pity because although he's bi we only see him with his female fuck buddy (her words, not mine).<br /><br />So I still enjoy the world building, the strong female characters and the action i got a bit wary about the direction of this series ... but it's only the 2nd book and I still have hope that Cal won't turn into a complete douche.


Lianne Pheno

October 01 2020

4/5<br /><a target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" href=""></a><br /><br />Un tome qui est passé tout seul et qui promet pour le reste de la série. Le héros prend quand même un peu cher ici, mais ça ne sort pas trop de la norme habituelle dans le genre (on se souvient de ce que Harry Dresden subit dans certains tomes).<br /><br />Quand commence ce tome notre héros, Cal Kinsey, se remet tout doucement des événements du tome précédents. Plusieurs mois ont passé.<br />Il a toujours ses horribles « déjà vu » incapacitants. Ce sont en fait des souvenirs qu’on a forcé dans sa tête que celle ci n’a pas réussi à intégrer et qui se lancent d’un coup sans prévenir alors qu’il fait quelque chose de tout à fait normal, comme conduire par exemple, ce qui est très dangereux<br /><br />Alors qu’il essaye de faire comme si tout allait bien, un triple meurtre a lieu, et l’équipe de Cal est en première ligne pour tenter de le résoudre.<br /><br />Pour rappel Cal fait parti du DSI, la branche surnaturelle du FBI, qui sont surnommés les corbeaux (Crows, d’ou le titre) par les autres forces de l’ordre à cause de leur uniforme tout noir.<br /><br />Un des mages les plus haut placés de la ville, l’ancien maire de la ville et un loup garou inconnu sont tout les trois retrouvés morts démembrés dans les sous sol d’un bar de flics, hors des horaires d’ouverture …<br /><br />Alors que les différentes forces surnaturelles de la ville se déchirent à coup d’attaques faites au hasard en s’auto accusant du meurtre, certains ont bien l’intention de se faire justice eux même. Les garous organisent le kidnapping d’une équipe des Crows, histoire d’avoir les dernières nouvelles d’ou en est l’enquête et reprendre la main sur les autres.<br />Et c’est Cal et le tout dernier entré dans la force, un bleu comme lui, qui en sont victime et qui vont devoir survivre à des jours d’interrogations violentes …<br /><br />Et même si rien n’est décrit en détail, du coup ça n’est pas graphique ce qui rend la chose un peu plus supportable, Cal n’en ressort pas indemne, ça c’est sur. Je mettrais quand même un gros warning pour ceux sensibles à ce genre de choses parce que ce n’est pas un livre léger sur ce sujet.<br /><br />Du coup le pauvre Cal ajoute un préjudice physique à celui mental qu’il subissait depuis leur précédente grosse affaire (les souvenirs).<br /><br />En tout cas une chose que j’ai bien apprécié dans ce tome et qui a mon avis fait l’intérêt principal de cette série car différent de tout ce que j’ai lu dans le genre : le personnage de Cal. Il est vraiment le bébé de son équipe, le dernier arrivé. Et il joue très bien ce rôle. Il est très loin de se la jouer « gros dur » ou de vouloir prouver à tout le monde qu’il a sa place dans l’équipe.<br /><br />Et c’est rafraîchissant de le voir jouer au gamin, de bouder ou de râler volontairement pour faire réagir les autres, assez souvent. C’était fun aussi de voir les autres plus âgés le traiter comme si il était leur fils plus que leur collègue, et souvent ils essayent plus de brider que de l’encourager. Il en joue vraiment en plus, et du coup ça donne un vrai humour à l’ensemble. Sans parler du fait que c’est un marrant avec beaucoup de sarcasme et qui n’hésite pas à ouvrir sa grande gueule quand il le faut.<br /><br />C’est un personnage qui n’a pas besoin d’une masculinité exacerbée pour avoir sa place. Et c’est original je trouve au milieu de tout ce qu’on peut lire actuellement, quelque soit le genre. En plus il est assez maladroit, ce qui rend la situation encore moins « alpha mâle ».<br /><br />Bref, ce tome m’a bien servi pour faire la transition dont j’avais besoin après la charge émotionnelle de Battle ground (le T17 de Dresden, que j’ai lu juste avant).



December 08 2018

2.5 again.<br />Gave the second one a shot, to see if the author did any better. Dialogue is still stilted and generic, and every character still sounds just like the other. Not the greatest amount of emotional intelligence in it either. So far as even when the character has his internal dialogue and thoughts, you're still not entirely sure what he's feeling and how deep, except pertaining to the situation he's stuck in at that moment. <br />Maybe it's just not the genre for that I guess. Seems like the author wants to focus on the story, the action, the intrigue, and the mystery.<br /> It's fun. It's interesting<br />Made me move on to the 3rd.<br /><br />[Edit]<br /><br />Changing to 3 stars. More interesting the second time around, once you get used to the speech pattern. Also, cuz it gets super betterz later. Wow I'm tired.



August 05 2018

These are fast paced, action oriented stories. Easy reading and enjoyable. He does get a bit detailed in the gory elements for my taste, but easy enough to skim and with his fast pace, the story doesn't slow and fester in the gore moments. I'll read the third book.



August 07 2018

Another exciting and fun addition to the series. I look forward to reading more of this series.