The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan

865 Reviews
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When Enola Holmes encounters her friend Lady Cecily hiding behind a pink fan, she finds it peculiar. Cecily is being held hostage in an abysmal orphanage, forced into a miserable marriage. Enola joins forces with the much older famous brother Sherlock who she has fought desperately to elude, and risks her own freedom to rescue her friend.
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July 03 2023
Nancy Springer
Promptchan AI
The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan Chapters

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The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan Reviews (865)

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March 14 2023

<b>Fans! Fans, everywhere!</b><br><br><img src="" width="400" height="260" alt="description" class="gr-hostedUserImg" loading="lazy"> <br><br>Remember the <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener">Left Handed Lady, Cecily</a>? She's back.<br>This time Enola runs into her in an old-timey bathroom. &lt;--this was back when ladies would have to pay money to safely pee when they were out shopping.<br><br><img src=";rid=giphy.gif&amp;ct=g" width="400" height="220" alt="description" class="gr-hostedUserImg" loading="lazy"><br><br>Thanks to the <i>language of fans</i>, which is yet another language I have to master, Enola is alerted that Cecily is in some sort of danger and needs her help.<br>Which, of course, she is more than willing to give.<br>But how can she help her (sort of?) friend while still actively avoiding her brothers, Mycroft &amp; Sherlock?<br>Welp. That's the plot of this book.<br>And I honestly think it's starting to look like her brothers might just come out of this with a bit of respect for their little sister when it's all said and done. <br><br><img src="" width="400" height="250" alt="description" class="gr-hostedUserImg" loading="lazy"><br><br>There's not a great deal of substance, but I'm still eating these with a spoon because they're such easily digestible books.<br><b>Recommended for anyone looking for a bit of an adorable YA mystery series.</b>


Paul Weiss

July 01 2019

<b>Enola continues to elude her brothers' relentless pursuit! </b><br /><br />Nancy Springer is finding her stride. Far from being derivative, Springer has effectively used the fame and atmosphere of the much-loved Holmes canon as a springboard to develop her Enola Holmes character, Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes' younger sister, and to create a series that is exciting, entirely innovative, appealing and quite capable of standing on its own literary merit ... thank you very much! <br /><br />Beginning with the very first mystery in the series, <b>THE CASE OF THE MISSING MARQUESS</b>, we have seen Enola Holmes' character develop, blossom and ultimately flourish as she pursues her career as a <i>"perditorian"</i> - a finder of lost things. She is forced to keep one eye constantly looking over shoulder as she deftly eludes the dogged pursuit of her elder brothers who seek to find her and place her in the stultifying environment of a school for proper young ladies - an ongoing problem she'll face until she reaches the age of majority and can legally live on her own. But, as her mother, who is also in hiding, was so fond of saying, Enola Holmes is doing very well on her own! <br /><br />In <b>THE CASE OF THE PECULIAR PINK FAN</b>, Lady Cecily Alistair, the missing marquess from Enola's very first case, is in trouble again. This time she's been kidnapped by her own family. Her two dowager aunts, both full-fledged, entirely insufferable battle-axes are holding her against her will and, with the full permission and collusion of her estate minded father, are forcing her into an arranged marriage against her will with a foppish but financially well-situated cousin.<br /><br />Instead of watching an established series author sit back and bask in the warmth of previous successes, I'm thrilled to witness this charming young adult series continue to grow in quality - deep characterization, effective dialogue, high quality plotting and, of course, wonderful attention to Victorian atmosphere and details that rivals Conan Doyle's original series.<br /><br />As the title character and the leading lady in the series, Enola is exceptionally well developed. While she is neither female chauvinist or militaristic suffragette, her independence and self-assuredness continue to grow as she lives on her own and approaches the age of majority at which point she will be free of her brothers' relentless pursuit. But she also exemplifies that baffling and ultimately paradoxical teenage blend of cock-sure bravado and angst and uncertainty; incipient adulthood contrasted against an occasional reversion to childhood fear; and, of course, self-direction and self-confidence versus the obvious desire for occasional adult guidance and assistance. Enola's budding femininity is also charmingly and endearingly presented in wonderfully good taste with all due regard to Victorian sensibilities. <br /><br />Sherlock and Mycroft are portrayed as typical 19th century men in their attitude toward women and whatever intellect they may possess. That is to say, they are at least patronizing and chauvinist and perhaps, in Mycroft's case, downright misogynist. That said, the very special relationship between Enola and Sherlock seems to have turned a corner in this, Enola's fourth outing, as Sherlock develops a grudging respect for Enola's abilities and a tentative belief that, as their mother said so often, she just might be able to make it on her own.<br /><br />Highly recommended for mystery lovers of all ages. I'm willing to bet that twenty years from now there will be a host of adult female readers who will look back on this series with the same fondness that many of today's adult women remember their love of the Nancy Drew series.<br /><br />Paul Weiss



June 12 2015

I will come right out and admit that I definitely allowed myself to picture a particular Mr. Cumberbatch throughout the Sherlock cameos in this story, which had me laughing quite heartily. I loved the scenes that Sherlock shared with Enola, the sibling relationship was humorous and tense, quite realistic given their difference in age. Again, I was impressed with how clever and thoughtful Enola was, always thoroughly thinking things through before launching off. That doesn't mean she doesn't improvise, but she is never impulsive. This particular case was equal parts funny and infuriating, but it all wrapped up quite well. Good job, Enola!


Χριστίνα Ψύλλα

April 01 2022

Προχωρώντας στο τέταρτο βιβλίο της σειράς, δεν μπορούσα παρά να σκεφτώ ότι είναι μια ιστορία ενηλικίωσης.<br /><br />Τα στάδια που περνά ένας έφηβος, τις ανησυχίες και τις ανάγκες που έχει μέχρι να αποφασίσει ποιος πραγματικά είναι.<br /><br />Επιτέλους, σε αυτό το βιβλίο είδαμε και τον Σέρλοκ να μοιράζεται σκηνές με την Ενόλα, και αφήστε με να σας πω ότι ήταν από τα πιο διασκεδαστικά κομμάτια που έχω διαβάσει ποτέ. Εξαιρετική πινελιά και οι εμφανίσεις χαρακτήρων από προηγούμενα βιβλία.<br /><br />Ωστόσο, αυτά δεν έκλεψαν την λάμψη της Ενόλα, μιας και αυτή η χαρακτήρας δεν μπορεί ποτέ να μην σε ξαφνιάσει με την εξυπνάδα και την μαεστρία της.<br /><br />Είναι μια χαρακτήρας που σε εμπνέει, σου δίνει δύναμη να συνεχίσεις και να ξεπεράσεις τα προβλήματα σου, ενώ σου μαθαίνει να πολέμας για τα πιστεύω και τα θέλω σου. Όλα αυτά μέσα απο δροσερές και καταιγιστικές περιπέτειες. Τι άλλο να ζητήσει ένας αναγνώστης;



January 18 2021

Why Mycroft persists, despite the evidence of her managing quite well on her own for months, in thinking Enola must be pushed into the stifling confines of Victorian womanhood is beyond me! Even Sherlock persists in his belief, though his repeated encounters with Enola in this book are beginning to change his mind.<br />Enola reencounters Lady Cecily (the left-handed lady of book two), and knows immediately that Cecily needs rescuing again. This time, it’s from Lady Cecily’s father’s desire to squash any life out of her by forcing her into a marriage with an odious man. Enola dons many disguises and thwarts her brothers again, and cracks the case, of course.<br />I find Enola’s musings on her relationship with her mother a little sad; the young woman is lonely, but at the same time, her independence and ability to thrive are only growing stronger, and I dread the thought of her corralled by her supposedly well-meaning brothers. Two books left in this terrific series; on to book 5!


Jan Priddy

December 26 2020

I liked this one best of all. Either I am getting used to the author, or I have more faith in her based on what I have already read. Either way, a strong and intelligent main character and enough of a mystery that I hadn't figured it out in the first pages. I was, in fact, delighted to find a familiar face. The ciphers are fun, the relationships between characters are evolving, and I have not caught the author in a historical error. <br /><br />Notable among Enola's accomplishments is disguise. She is fourteen and anxious not to be found by her brothers and sent to a boarding school for young ladies. In this book and others she goes out at night as a nun offering comfort to the poorest in London and as rag-and-bone scrounger, and in daylight as an impoverished orphan, a secretary, a widow, a young wife who has married above her station, a woman scholar, and (most-amusing) as "Beautiful." This last she accomplishes with the help of crafted undergarments, skillfully applied make-up, an elegant wig, and attitude. It is all smoke and mirrors, but she is pleased with her ability to pass. <br /><br />Though there is considerable tension and physicality, nothing here is inappropriate for a child to read. My granddaughter is too busy online to read these books as I hand them over, but I think I will order the last two in the series for myself.<br /><br />



July 26 2020

Enola Holmes, die "kleine" Schwester der berühmten Brüder Sherlock und Mycroft, ist ja den konventionellen Zwängen der Gesellschaft im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes entflohen und widmet ihre Zeit mit dem Lösen von Rätseln. Ganz nach dem Vorbild ihres großen Bruders Sherlock Holmes, zu dem sie eine ganz außergewöhnliche Bindung hat. Einerseits versteckt sie sich ja vor ihren Brüdern, die sie ein Internat stecken und heiratsfähig machen möchten, andererseits strebt sie ihm nach, da er ein unbewusstes Vorbild für sie ist. <br /><br />Enola ist mit ihren 14 Jahren noch sehr jung, aber eben auch pfiffig und weiß sich zu helfen. Mittlerweile hat sie sich in ihrer Situation gefestigt, in der sie sich als Sekretärin des (nicht vorhandenen) Dr. Rasputins ausgibt. Durch ihre vielen Verkleidungen schafft sie sich einen Schutzraum, in dem sie sich durch die Straßen von London begibt und auf ihre Weise rätselhafte Fälle löst. <br />Dieses Mal muss sie nochmals Lady Cecily helfen, die wir schon in Band 2 kennengelernt haben und es wird eine schwierige Mission, da sie nicht nur kaum Ansatzpunkte hat, sondern auch ihre Brüder ihr ständig in die Quere kommen. Mit ihrem Mut, ihrer Kombinationsgabe und ihrem Sinn für Gerechtigkeit setzt sie sich jedoch durch und schafft es immer wieder, zu überraschen.<br /><br />Es unterlaufen ihr dabei einige Schnitzer, was sie nur noch sympathischer macht! Ihre Fähigkeit, sich immer selbst Mut zu machen, auch wenn sie sich manchmal sehr verloren und einsam fühlt, ist eine ganz starke Eigenschaft und bekräftigt sie, Lösungen zu finden und ihr Ziel zu erreichen. <br />Dabei spielt natürlich eine große Rolle, dass ihre Mutter noch immer verschwunden ist und zeigt Enolas Unsicherheit, wie sie damit umgehen soll. Die Suche nach ihr schiebt sie immer wieder hinaus, da sie Angst hat, nicht das zu finden, was sie sich erhofft. <br /><br />Sherlock und Mycroft selbst erlebt man hier ja immer nur eher am Rande, doch der Prolog und Epilog mit den beiden ist eine gute Kompontene, um einen Einblick zu geben, was sie über ihre Schwester denken. Vor allem bei Sherlock bemerkt man, dass seine Bewunderung und sein Verständnis seiner Schwester gegenüber zunimmt, was ihn natürlich umso mehr ins Herz schließen lässt. <br /><br />Insgesamt wieder eine sehr gelungene Fortsetzung, die die Atmosphäre der damaligen Zeit lebendig aufleben lässt. Viele Details geben ein eingehendes Bild ab über die unterschiedlichen gesellschaftlichen Schichten und welche Probleme sich damit ergeben, wie die Menschen damals lebten und miteinander umgegangen sind und noch viele weitere Einblicke, die grade auch jungen Lesern überzeugend und prägnant veranschaulicht werden.<br />



February 22 2011

Another good story in the Enola Holmes series. This one has Enola to rescue, after Lady Cecily is again in grave peril! Enola is resting in the Ladie's Public Lavatory after a day of shopping when she encounters Lady Cecily (from The Case of the Left-Handed Lady). Cecily is dressed in a very curious and cumbersome gown and seems to be in the process of shopping for her trousseau. Lady Cecily manages to ask Enola for help using the language of fans before her guardians whisk her away and Enola is once again on the trail after Lady Cecily.<br /><br />These Enola Holmes mysteries are quite fun! This one has Enola stumbling over Sherlock, even rescuing him, as he too, has been asked to investigate Lady Cecily's disappearance. Enola is still out on her own, managing her business and living in the rooming house with Mrs. Tupper. I enjoy seeing how she has grown and continues to mature and find her way in London, and avoid the "protection" of her brothers, Mycroft and Sherlock. It breaks my heart a little to see her detaching herself from them and their good intentions, and also from her mother, who still has not tried to contact Enola and is still missing, as far as the Holmes' are concerned.<br /><br />On to the next in the series!



June 13 2021

Una 4º parte de saga que <b>afianza los vínculos entre algunos personajes y que solo pierde puntos por las excesivas descripciones que no aportan nada.</b> Lo mejor es que, a pesar de todo, los aspectos positivos compensan a los negativos, y eso es algo que ayuda a que la lectura sea amena en casi todo momento. <br /><br />En este caso, <b>la investigación principal hace que nos reencontremos que Lady Cecily</b>, a quien ya conocimos en <a href="" title="El caso de la dama zurda (Enola Holmes, #2) by Nancy Springer" rel="noopener">El caso de la dama zurda</a>. Sorprendentemente, vuelve a estar en apuros y su situación es peor que la de la vez anterior. Un encuentro y un mensaje a través de un abanico harán que Enola quiera volver a ayudarla, aunque eso la expondrá más que nunca y la acercará más a sus hermanos… <i>¿la atraparán? ¿podrá volver a liberar a Lady Cecily?</i>...<br /><br /><b>Enola y sus labores detectivescas siguen evolucionando.</b> Como siempre, los mensajes codificados tienen un gran peso y se mantiene mi admiración ante la capacidad de Enola para verle sentido a metáforas y símbolos. No hay respuestas por arte de magia, cosa que está muy bien, pero <b>las indagaciones se ven interrumpidas por culpa de la manía de la autora de describir detalladamente</b> las vestimentas de camuflaje que usa Enola y los lugares por los que pasa. No digo que hubiera que eliminar esto completamente, pero sí resumirlo un poco, ya que a mí por lo menos me resultaba un poco pesado. De resto, en lo que respecta a la investigación en sí, no está mal, pero me faltó que se explicara mejor lo que lo origin�� todo. <br /><br />El otro pilar de la novela es el tema familiar de Enola. Aquí <b>hay un avance respecto al personaje de Mycroft</b>, el cual ha estado en un muy segundo plano en los libros anteriores. No es que salga mucho más, pero sus pequeñas aportaciones hacen que veamos que su capacidad deductiva no es peor que la de sus hermanos… si no fuera porque sigue igual de machista que al principio, hasta me lo consideraría simpático. En todo caso, espero más de él en las siguientes partes. <b>En cuanto a Sherlock… ¿puedo declararle ya mi amor? ^^</b> Me fascina cómo ha ido cambiando este personaje y amo cada encuentro suyo con Enola. Sus apariciones no eclipsan el protagonismo de su hermana y es innegable que es el que más ha intentado ir entendiéndola y hasta ha aceptado tragarse algunos prejuicios y algunas ideas preconcebidas sobre las mujeres, ya que Enola no deja escapar ninguna ocasión para aclararle que una mujer no es menos que un hombre. En este sentido, creo que la autora maneja muy bien todo lo de Enola con sus hermanos y logra que sea interesante ver su forma de desafiarlos y de hacerlos reflexionar, pero <b>falla en lo relacionado con la madre.</b> Sigo pensando que debería jugar un papel más activo, ya que, por lo poco que sabemos de ella, dudo que al final se dé alguna justificación razonable a su comportamiento. Si no fuera porque Enola la menciona ocasionalmente, hasta podríamos olvidarnos de que existe. <br /><br /><b>La crítica contra la sociedad de la época es más suave en este libro.</b> En los anteriores, la autora solía aprovechar para describir ciertas costumbres o actitudes y condenarlas, pero aquí no nos centramos en ninguna en concreto. Sí que seguimos conociendo un poco sobre el estilo de vida, pero no focalizamos la atención en ninguna materia concreta. <br /><br />Sea como sea, y <b>a pesar de sus altibajos, sigo declarándome fan de esta saga y estoy deseando saber cómo continúa.</b> En este libro se ha notado que estamos llegando a la recta final y es inevitable querer saber cómo afrontará Enola sus siguientes aventuras.


Kasia (kasikowykurz)

July 19 2022

Okay, zacznijmy od tego, że książka absolutnie nie jest zła, bardzo lubię przygody Enoli, ale kompletnie nie doceniłam poziomu mojego zmęczenia i zasnęłam na niej dwa razy. Nie zmienia to też faktu, że mimo wszystko ten tom podobał mi się mniej niż dwa poprzednie, nie wciągnęłam się tak mocno. Mimo to wyczekuję już momentu, kiedy sięgnę po kolejne przygody i jestem ogromnie ciekawa, jak to się skończy! :D