The Ditch

495 Reviews
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Als Robert Walter, geliefd burgemeester van Amsterdam, op een nieuwjaarsreceptie zijn vrouw lachend haar hoofd in haar nek ziet gooien tijdens een onderonsje met een van zijn wethouders, vermoedt hij meteen het ergste. Het ziet er toch duidelijk uit dat Sylvia, met wie hij al jaren gelukkig getrouwd is, vreemdgaat. En nog wel met die oerdegelijke wethouder die zich inzet voor het milieu en de skyline van de hoofdstad wil verpesten door het plaatsen van windmolens. Niet veel later laat een journaliste een foto zien van een agent die tijdens een Vietnam-betoging door drie demonstranten wordt toegetakeld, en ze beweert dat de burgemeester een van die demonstranten is. Dan staat opeens zijn 94-jarige vader op de stoep van het stadhuis: hij wil Robert dringend spreken. Hij en zijn vrouw willen samen uit het leven stappen. Ze willen hun zoon niet opscheppen met hun aftakeling, dus waarom het leven niet op het juiste moment beëindigen?De greppel laat zien hoe een ogenschijnlijk stabiele man i...
Added on:
July 02 2023
Herman Koch
Promptchan AI
The Ditch Chapters

Comming soon...

The Ditch Reviews (495)

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May 18 2019

<b>I didn’t want it to be this way…</b><br /><br />Oh dear, Mr. Koch, I thought you could do no wrong. Yeah, you talk a good game. I mean, I could listen to you all day, the way you put your sentences together. You have the obsessed, creepy guy down pat; whether he’s a bona fide psycho, a wannabe psycho, or a garden-variety neurotic. You know how to dig deep into main characters and how to create fascinating unreliable narrators. And your sensibilities, your dark view of human nature, the way you analyze every little thing in the funniest way—all irresistible! It’s just that this novel is a mess. Did I just say that?<br /> <br />Yes, sadly, I have to pull out my <b>Complaint Board:</b><br /><br /><b>-Okay, let’s talk about the plot.</b> The book starts off like a firecracker, intense as all get-out. As with your other books, I got pulled into a warped mind right away. The main character is the mayor of Amsterdam, and his psyche is a fun place to be. He’s an obsessive, paranoid guy who is convinced his wife is cheating on him. The fantasies he creates are a riot: all dramatic and worse-case scenarios. I was revved up, expecting to watch the star get crazier and crazier, but Mr. Koch, it’s like you completely forgot your train of thought! The intensity fizzled, and suddenly the mayor is talking about….windmills? Really? There’s another story about the mayor’s old parents, and it’s good, but it doesn’t have anything to do the main plot—or what I thought was the main plot. I kept trying to keep my eye on the ball, but the ball was a moving target. And let’s not even talk about cohesion—there was zilch.<br /><br /><b>-Side trips all over the place.</b> Okay, first, the windmills. They get entirely too much air space. You go on and on and on, discussing the politics behind them. Gag me with a spoon! Did you forget you were writing a novel? Oh, and the mayor has a friend, and they discuss the universe—quite a bit. Throw in chats about fascism, the environment, and architecture, and the yawns multiply. Each of these side trips would have worked fine as a non-fiction essay. I wanted them gone from this novel. I wanted tangy juice, not dense loaves of bread.<br /><br /><b>-Huh? Please explain!</b> A couple of things happened at the end (nothing had been happening before then, which bugged me). But unfortunately, I couldn’t understand the motivations and I couldn’t even be sure that I “got” what the events were. At all. Yes, of course I reread, but I just didn’t get it. Nothing worse than not understanding what the hell just happened! So the ending wasn’t just weak, it was incomprehensible. Maybe smarter readers could make sense of it; for this bonehead, it was a mess. What a bad way to end a book that I already didn’t like.<br /><br />So, so disappointing. I loved your first three books, Mr. Koch, so expectations were high. <a href="" title="The Dinner by Herman Koch" rel="noopener">The Dinner</a> was an all-time favorite, in fact. I’ll check out your next book, but with a little trepidation, I must admit.<br /><br />Thanks to NetGalley for the advance copy.


Elyse Walters

May 13 2019

At a New Years Eve work celebration gathering, ( which took place in the middle of the month of January), Robert Walter, the major of Amsterdam see’s his wife, Sylvia ( not her real name due to privacy concerns)....talking with <br />Alderman Maarten van Hoogstraten. <br />Robert and Sylvia have one daughter named Diana ( not her real name either- more privacy issues). <br /><br />Robert is paranoid - obsessed - suspicious.....<br />he suspects his wife is having an affair. <br />“At the very moment my wife tossed back her head and laughed; the alderman had his hand on her elbow and was whispering something in her ear”. <br /><br />“Now Sylvia looked around, her gaze sweeping the crowd. Was she looking for me? Or was she only making sure that no one was watching her and the alderman?”<br /><br />Robert edges his way through the crowd to Maarten and Sylvia looking closely at his wife’s face for any indication that he might have interrupted their cozy little tete-a-tete. <br /><br />Later that same night, Robert played back the scene at least 10 times in his mind while in bed. <br />Robert was obsessed- maybe ‘possessed’... ha... with chronic mistrustful thinking. <br />He stayed cool,calm, and collective on the outside....remained self-composed, and unruffled, <br />but on the inside he was anxious, and tormented with thoughts that Sylvia must be cheating on him. <br /><br />Herman Koch is a master at unreliable characters...<br />All of his books:<br />“The Dinner”, “Summer House With Swimming Pool”, and “Dear Mr. M”, have an recognizable ‘KOCH STAMP’. He’s a one of a kind writer. Readers tend to have strong feelings about his books - with ratings all over the place. <br />Koch writes psychologically sophisticated thrillers. <br />I’ve enjoyed ‘every’ one of his books. <br />All his novels are deliciously sinister in nature. <br /><br />In “The Ditch”, Robert thinks that during the pre-selection round for major,<br />They probably should’ve asked him if he was able to stomach standing around with people chitchatting over glasses of wine. <br />What I wondered, was not only could he tolerate the social affairs as part of his political responsibilities, but how could he function as mayor, at all, with all the inner distress that was unsettled. His suspicions and imagination of all that was not right was all too encompassing. <br />His 90ish old father told him that he and wife were planning a duo suicide. <br />Robert isn’t just upset or creeped out by the idea...<br />he’s suspicious ( in the same way he is his wife).<br />Robert doesn’t believe his father’s reasons or intentions are pure. <br /><br />There are more subplots.<br />Robert hadn’t been major very long before the entire city seemed to be going off the deep end. Robert didn’t feel safe. <br /><br />And there are moments that will make you cringe, and roll your eyes, shake your head, almost spit out the tea you’re drinking. <br /><br />While at a political social event - he felt more comforted by the girl serving drinks than any of the other politicians in the room. <br />Robert didn’t think much of French President Francois Hollande— but he sure felt pride by the Dutch girl who served him drinks. <br />“Then the girl smiled too. She was an extremely-Dutch-Dutch girl, pretty in the way to which our country holds the patent rights, in a way that ought to make the dutch nation feel proud. So white, so blonde: creamy white”. <br /><br />“The Ditch”, is a hell of a fun ride. <br />Robert and Sylvia take a pleasure trip to Paris. <br />And of course Robert wonders if his wife would still be playful, smile, tease, and wink at him if she were having an affair with <br />Maarten van Hoogstraten.<br /><br />....Robert is hopeless... and he is close to losing everything that means anything in his life.<br />Another thought-provoking book is filled with dark suspense. <br /><br />Herman Koch isn’t everyone’s cup of tea...<br />but for some of us, he can’t write books fast enough.<br />His writing is inventive and clever.<br />I adore Koch’s dazzling writing gifts. <br /><br />Note... the title will become clear towards the end ....?<br /><br />Thank You Netgalley, Crown Publishing, and Herman Koch!! <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />



May 18 2019

<b>2.5 Stars.</b> <p> <b>Big-Time</b> fan here of Herman Koch! <b>THE DINNER, SUMMER HOUSE WITH SWIMMING POOL</b> and <b>DEAR MR. M</b> were all <b>4 Star</b> reads for me, but <b>THE DITCH</b> unfortunately was a disappointment.</p><p> <b>The reader</b> is informed up front the entire story will be told using aliases, names of characters, their home country, etc., which we are reminded of throughout, with expectation that the truth will be forthcoming....and we will see why. But do we?</p><p> <b>And....</b>what was most off-putting for me in the narration were the on-going <b>sidelines</b> that veer off in a new direction just when about to climax. The manner of telling was so all over the place, am not even sure I discovered all the answers.</p><p> <b>So....</b>60 year old Amsterdam Mayor Robert Walter, wife Syliva and daughter Diana....not their true names are the main characters with, ok, a good <i>(broken up)</i> side story of the mayor's elderly parents and one of his taller, better looking best friend Bernhard, also not his real name if I remember correctly, but there are other sides I found rather boring....<b>not at all</b> a usual characteristic of Koch's previous writings that often cracked me up or blew me away with shock factor!</p><p> <b>Anyway....</b>PARANOIA and the SUSPICIOUS mind of a DELUSIONAL mayor who envisions <u>every possible</u> looney-tune symptom of adultery with his wife having an affair is the main theme and on.</p><p> <b>As for the ending....</b>and the meaning behind <b>THE DITCH,</b> a nonevent....for me.</p><p> <b>No doubt about it</b> though, I still look forward to reading any and all of Koch's future offerings. I'm 3 for 4!</p><p> ***Arc provided by Crown Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for review***</p>



June 06 2019

Copy furnished by Net Galley for the price of a review.<br /><br />This author's previous three novels were all 4-star reads for me.  But this one had my eyes glazing over, a tepid and tedious read.  What on earth was the purpose of withholding the real names of the characters, and why keep mentioning it?  Annoying.  Mayhap this was simply too nuanced for me, that's entirely possible.  I've been known to read a book wrong once or twice.  This put me in the mind of tilting at windmills, an exercise I did not enjoy.


Metodi Markov

July 04 2020

Официално нареждам Кох до другите ми любими двама съвременни автори - французите Джиан и Уелбек. Имам си вече моя света троица от писатели, които не цепят басма никому и ми е винаги кеф да чета!<br /><br />"Канавката" е петата му книга, която прочетох в последните няколко месеца, този път на английски, защото не се знае кога и дали въобще ще бъде преведена, а на мен не ми се чакаше.<br /><br />Кох и този път е създал напрегнат роман, с чудесна развръзка, която макар и в тон с развитието на историите в книгата не ми допадна съвсем. Вероятно, защото аз не съм холандец, а човек с по-тъмна кожа, тъмна коса и сърце, което сигурен съм, може да е черно, ако и когато е нужно. Има заложени много загадки, морални и прочие капани, което прави книгата почти интерактивна!<br /><br />"Роберт" е кмет на Амстердам, щастливо женен за "Силвия" и горд баща на "Диана". Всичките имена са в кавички, защото не са реални и затова си има причина с название - стериотипи. Той е холандец, но жена му е чужденка, негде от изостаналите, прашни и бедни южни страни в края на Европа. Влюбване от пръв поглед ги е събрало в един необичаен, но плодотворен съюз.<br /><br />Всичко би било непоносимо перфектно, но г-н кметът е политическо животно, с много изострени сетива, които изведнъж започват да му нашепват за възможна изневяра! Нещо абсолютно изключено според него, но ето че семенцето покълва лекичко и нахално, избуява с течение на времето! Необяснима афера, с противен холандски селяндур за капак и все пак, напълно възможна. <br /><br />Вместо да се конфронтира с жена си, той започва да следи всеки жест, всяка поза и дума, в опит да отгатне, дали е прав в съмненията си. Отделно притежава този вид памет, която позволява до безкрайност да пренавиваш случки през паметта си, тълкувайки случилото се и откривайки нови нюанси всеки път. Това по никакви стандарти не може да се нарече благословия.<br /><br />На сцената излизат и родителите му. Прехвърлили деветдесетте, те са все още активни и хора, с които трябва да се съобразяваш. Заплита се и тук една неортодоксална интрига.<br /><br />Третата линия е тази за близкият му приятел Бернхард, известен астрофизик. Тя е и най-слабата, книгата спокойно можеше да мине и без нея.<br /><br />Разбирам, защо холандците не харесват творчеството на Кох - отново изкарва на показ това у тях, което най-много ги дразни, но пък им е много трудно да отрекат, че са. Лицемерието и ксенофобията са упорити техни дружки през вековете и често се завръщат като бумеранг, небрежно захвърлен по незаслужаваща усилията цел...<br /><br />Това не е книга на твърдите, окончателни решения и разкрития, всеки трябва да си състави собствено мнение, за кое, как и защо...<br /><br />Цитати:<br /><br />"People that take their own lives aren't the smartest from the bunch."<br /><br />"The new fascism will, above all, adopt a human face. It will laugh more readily than the old fascism. Look less grim. Above all, it will act as though it understands us, as though it can easily understand our doubts."<br /><br />"If human life is a mistake, than life after death would be an even bigger mistake."<br /><br />Този е по памет, бащата на "Робърт" му обяснява тънкостите на живота:<br /><br />"Когато го помолиш, да прояви благосклонност към очния ти преглед за подновяване на шофьорска книжка, се пули все едно искаш кой знае какво и почва да дрънка за отговорности. Но отидеш ли да поискаш консултация свързана с евтаназията, става хипер услужлив, веднага ти дава брошури и виждаш, как буквално не го свърта да дойде веднага с теб у вас, за да я извърши лично той. До там стигнахме в наши дни!"<br /><br />P.S. Все пак, почти съм сигурен, че отгатнах родната страна на "Силвия". В последната глава Кох ни дава повече насоки отколкото в цялата книга, вероятно точно с такава цел.<br /><br />Попрегледах ревютата на другите читатели - изумително е, по колко различни начини са възприели те написаното, героите и ситуациите, до степен да изглежда, че сме чели различни книги! <br /><br />Феноменален Кох!!!



September 24 2022

عمدة أمستردام الانسان لا يعرف ما يريد ولكنه يعرف ما لا يريد...<br />الرجل الذي لا يتقن رسم الابتسامات السياسية ، يضحك ويغضب فى اللقاءات الصحفية ، يرتجل الخطب بنبرة مثالية ولا يطيل الحديث ويعرف متى يكسر الصمت....<br />عصبي المزاج ولكن قد يلقي مزحة ما يخطف بها قلوب الجميع.....هذا هو " روبرت " عمدة امستردام..<br /> أما الانسان هو الذي تزوج عن حب وليس نزوة عابرة ، مشهد خاطف قصير تمكن من زرع بذرة الشك بأن زوجته خائنة ، وهنا كما لو ان الزمن يتخثر أمام الهواجس التى تتنامى رويداً...رويدا...<br />ويصبح جاسوساً متخفياً ظاهراً للعيان ، يتوقف عند كل إيماءة...ابتسامة...كلمة من الزوجة التى تقرأ وجهه وإن كان بعيداً...<br />استطاع الكاتب " هرمان كوخ " بجدارة أن يؤطر لحظة الخيانة الكاذبة داخل كل حدث في حياة عمدة امستردام ، في سرد آخاذ وإن كان متداخلاً ، لم يكن الأمر مُربكاً بقدر ما كان كاشفاً عن إحكام قبضة الهواجس والفشل في التملص منها....<br />هنا تجريم اللحظات...إعادة قراءة الذكريات بعين الارتياب ، الهواجس الخانقة تفتقر إلى الهواء ، عن الروابط الانسانية الواهنة....<br />لقد تطرق الكاتب إلى الحديث عن ما يُدعى الموت الرحيم ، اختلاف الثقافات ، الأحكام والتصورات المُسبقة....<br />النهاية لا يمكن الإمساك بها كما لو أن الخيط انفلت في لحظة ليس بالإمكان تداركها....<br />وأخيراً...ثمة شيء يدعو للإعجاب بالسيد " روبرت " ولكن ترى يخص عمدة امستردام أم الانسان..؟!!....



July 29 2020

3.5<br /><br />I was excited to get stuck into the latest offering from Koch, the master of unlikeable characters and uncomfortable situations and truths. <br /><br />In short, this novel is about the Mayor of Amsterdam, Robert Walter, who suspects his wife of thirty years of having an affair. This is the gist of the novel. But mostly it's about Walter sharing his views and observations on lots of issues, such as nationalities, relationships, Amsterdam, politics, parenting and ageing parents, and a lot more. <br /> <br />I was captivated and delighted from the very beginning. The writing was smart, sharp, playful and sometimes I found myself thinking "oh, no, you didn't ...", which is why I enjoy Koch's books so much. Towards the last quarter, I got a bit bored, which sometimes happens. <br />Unfortunately, I have no idea what happened in the end, I probably missed some essential details?<br /><br />Anyway, while this wasn't my favourite Koch novel, it was still worthwhile my time.<br /><br />I'm convinced at least half a star is because of Gildart Jackson who's a very talented narrator. <br />



May 19 2019

Robert Walter, the 60 year old mayor of Amsterdam, suspects that his wife Sylvia is having an affair, based solely on the fact that he saw her laughing at a party with another politician. He spends most of the rest of the book obsessing about this supposed affair, but he never asks Sylvia about it. His self absorbed musings are occasionally interrupted by some disturbing events in the lives of his parents, who are in their 90s, and an old friend. <br /><br />Every time the book gets to a critical moment, with his parents, Sylvia, the friend, a reporter who dredges up his past, or even a lost cat, the chapter ends abruptly and the story picks up someplace else. Like Robert, the author is being evasive and skittering away from uncomfortable reality. His parents, wife and friend are going through some pretty heavy stuff, while Robert goes on sleep-inducing tangents about windmills. I definitely preferred “The Dinner”. <br /><br />I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. <br />


Nessrina Hazem

September 23 2022

<b><br> <u><br>"عندما تشاهد فيلماً، فإنك تعرف في غضون عشر دقائق ما إذا كان جيداً أم رديئاً، و لكنك تستغرق وقتاً أطول مع الكتاب، و تمنح المؤلف مهلة لخمسين صفحة أو نحو ذلك، و لكنك تعرف بالطبع عند الصفحة مائة و سبعين أنه حالة ميئوس منها." <br></u><br>مع أول ٢٠ صفحة عرفت انه كتاب جيد و مشجع.. و زي ما أبرهني هيرمان كوخ في رواية "العشاء" بيرجع تاني يبهرني بأسلوبه الساخر و نقده اللاذع.. بيطرح كوخ موضوع الخيانة الزوجية و الشك و أثره على عمدة أمستردام "روبرت". كوخ تركيزه مع التفاصيل كان واضح في الرواية و منهم مثلا اختيار الأرنب (و هو تشبيه للانسان الجبان) كسبب في موضوع الخيانة مش بالصدفة. <br><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener"><img src="" alt="944095d16f5e75a5c700064ede9e9de3" class="gr-hostedUserImg" loading="lazy"></a><br><br><u><br>"كم عدد تلك المواقف التي يمكنني إعادة بنائها متذكراً إياها الآن؟ كم موققاً أود أن أعيد بناءه؟ مواقف قد تحمل الآن معنًي مختلفاً." <br></u><br>الكاتب حيخليك تسأل طول الرواية هل المشكلة في الخيانة و لا في من يتعرض للخيانة (العمدة)؟ <br><br>بيوجه كوخ نقد لاذع للمجتمع الهولندي من خلال حديثه عن الفاشية و الاستدامة.. مجتمع بيعاني من البرود، علاقات باردة من علاقة الزوج و زوجته لعلاقة الابن بأبيه. نتيجة البرود بنشوف تفاعل روبرت (العمدة) مع واقعة الخيانة..بتظهر شخصية روبرت شخصية جبانة و سلبية و ده واضح من السرد.<br><u><br>"كنت أخشى تدنيس الماضي، أخشى الخداع الذي يشوه معالم الحاضر، الذي يمكنني أن أتعايش معه بالفعل، لكن ليس الماضي.. من فضلك ليس الماضي" <br></u><br>و أعرف منين انها قاصداني أنا مش هو.. مش هو<br>وأعرف منين أن الضحكة دي مش له هو.. له هو<br>وليه أنا؟ ليه أنا؟ ليه ليه مش هو؟<br><br>لما تعرف قصة تعارف روبرت و سيلفيا لازم حيجي في بالك  اغنية فاتت جنبنا. شكه و يمكن احساسه بعدم الاستحقاق او قلة ثقته بنفسه او خوفه من المنافسة مع صديقه.. كل ده بينه الكاتب من خلال قصة تعارفهم. <br><br>اسلوب السرد عبر عن شخصيته المتملصة ، تفكيره في طواحين الهواء و الاستدامة و الفاشية في وقت مطلوب منه يفكر في والديه و في زواجه بيأكد انه مش قادر يواجه و مش قادر يعترف بخطئه و مش قادر يسأل و لا قادر يستمتع بحياته. بيلوم اللي حواليه بس في صمت.<br>سلبية روبرت و بروده جعلته يصور علاقته بزوجته و احتمالية تقبله لخيانتها بزهرية مشروخة مرممة عزيزة عليه لا يمكنه التخلص منها او خايف يتخلص منها<br><u><br>"أجل هكذا هي عادتي دوماً.. لسوف أحتضن الزهرية المشروخة بقوة، و أتعمد النظر في الشرخ.. وأجعله ناحيتي دوماً.. حتي لا يراه غيري" <br></u><br>عرض الكاتب مواضيع أخرى زي فكرة رغبة الكبار في الموت الرحيم و ترتيبهم له، و في المقابل فكرة الإقبال على الحياة في مرحلة ما بعد التسعين و التحول بين الفكرتين. و عرض فكرة الزواج من الأجانب و اختلاف الثقافات في هولندا. <br><br>النهاية مع انها غريبة شوية بس حسيتها مناسبة لشخصية روبرت. <br>في المجمل الرواية جميلة و الترجمة ممتازة. <br></b>



July 24 2019

2.5 Stars rounded to 3. Oh no! Major disappointment. This is the 4th book I've read by Herman Koch. I really loved the first three books but this one was too weird and boring for me....until the last chapter. Too many tangents, digressions and in-depth discussions that had nothing to do with the course of the narrative. Or maybe I just didn't get it. Or maybe I'm too ADHD for this style of book. I almost gave up after the first few chapters but I skimmed through to the end and I guess I'm glad I did. He's a wonderful writer so I'll definitely be reading his future books.