October 12 2018
this one... actually made me miss the first series a lot
July 31 2022
Er gebeurt heel veel in dit boek. De katten van de verschillende clans wantrouwen elkaar en de beschuldigingen aan leden van de Donderclan zijn niet van de lucht.<br />Donderclan wordt ervan beschuldigd te jagen op Windclangebied, Gaaiveder wordt ervan beschuldigd een collega medicijnkat te hebben vermoord...<br />Er komt ook een onverwachte gast aanwaaien bij de Donderclan. Ze willen hem eigenlijk niet op hun territorium, maar omdat hij laat uitschijnen dat hij twee van hun kittens gered heeft van een vos, kan Vuurster niet anders dan hem welkom heten...<br />Ook de vermiste Krijger komt terug...zoals we reeds hadden kunnen verwachten na het lezen van het vorige boek. Sommigen zijn er heel blij mee, anderen hebben moeite om het te aanvaarden.<br />En dan is er nog Sintelhart...Sintelvel in haar vorige leven. Gaaiveder laat haar haar verleden zien, en dit maakt de kat erg verward. Is ze nu een krijger of een medicijnkat?<br />En zoals zo dikwijls eindigt het boek met een strijd, ditmaal was de uitkomst echter voorspelbaar vind ik, maar daarom was het niet minder spannend.<br />Weeral een topboek!
June 01 2011
This was definitely the best book out of Omen of the Stars, and better than any book of Power of Three. <br /><br />This book is why I have stuck with Warriors for over three years. It had all the excitment a book from this series should, enough surprises and plot twists to keep things interesting, and it answered enough questions, while leaving enough for the fans to ponder over too. <br /><br />I can honestly say that after getting past the first few chapters, I was not bored once while reading this book, something that isn't true of the other books from Omen of the Stars. I thought that this was going to be the most predictable Warriors book yet after reading the beginning, but I was quickly proven wrong. <br /><br />Without giving to much away, I think that this book does a great job of building up towards the ending, and that it is a great finish for the fifth book of the series.<br /><br />All in all, I would say that this book is well worth any Warriors fan's time. There are several old characters returning (not all of them in the way you would expect) and plenty of the action and drama that makes reading Warriors so much fun. 4.5/5<br /><br />And for a more indepth look at the content of the book...<br /><input type="checkbox" class="spoiler__control" aria-label="The following text has been marked spoiler. Toggle checkbox to reveal or hide." onchange="this.labels[0].setAttribute('aria-hidden', !this.checked);" id="f57187e9-d5e7-4d3d-a051-6536b1df13b2" /><label aria-hidden="true" class="spoiler" for="f57187e9-d5e7-4d3d-a051-6536b1df13b2"><br />Hollyleaf returns... which I think almost everyone saw coming at this point. I think her return was handled well. It's obvious that her time away has allowed her to mature, while she still stays true to her character. She still follows the code to the very end.<br /><br />Sol's return surprised me. I will admit I did not see that coming at all. I'm tempted to pick up the SkyClan manga now to see how he was burned so badly by the Clans. I'm hoping he will return in the next book, but I'll be okay if he does not. I'm guessing there's going to be a ton of stuff happening already. I am just glad that some of his loose ends are finally wrapped up, such as why he has such an interest in the Clans.<br /><br />Briarlight is going to be Jayfeather's apprentice. Calling it now. <br /><br />Cinderheart, where to begin... I'm so glad that she's finally found out about her past life as Cinderpelt! I've been waiting for this ever since The New Prophecy. xD She's going through identity confusion, but I think at the end she finally figured out that she can be a Warrior. The only thing I would be disappointed about is that Cinderpelt as a character might be virtually gone from the series, if Cinderheart continues with her new life. Though I doubt she'll forget her life as Cinderpelt...<br /><br />Lionblaze admitting Squirrelflight was a good mother was sweet. Perhaps he'll finally be able to forgive her and Leafpool (and Hollyleaf and Jayfeather will as well)... <br /><br />It's impressive how much Ivypool has grown as a character. She's come so far from being that jealous apprentice. Now she's willing to sacrifice everything for her Clan. Granted, it was awful that she killed Antpelt. Hopefully there is a nice afterlife after the one the cats know. <br /><br />StarClan really aren't that wise anymore. I guess it's an interesting take on the afterlife. Though I wouldn't want to go there. xD<br /><br />Dawnpelt's aggression was surprising, but understandable, though not excusable. I wonder how this all will turn out for Jayfeather. Not well, I imagine. Though I'm glad that he was able to stand his ground and stand up for himself. He would never kill Flametail. <br /><br />WindClan's agression is getting pretty bad. It won't bode well for the future. I hope Onestar chews those warriors out for such a stupid attack. Exciting battle though, with a nice build up. It made an excellent conclusion to the novel.<br /><br />I can't wait to see how all this plays out in The Last Hope!<br /></label>
October 27 2011
Erm, yes. These are my guilty pleasure.
October 29 2011
•Before Reading•<br /><br />It's gonna be epic.<br />It has to be Hollyleaf. Or maybe Ravenpaw from the first series wants revenge on Tigerstar and comes to help.<br />I don't thinnk Hollyleaf is the fourth beacause on Wikipedia, in the fifth series the battle has begun and the Three are stressing out because the can't find the fourth.<br />I also heard somewhere in the fifth series Firestar dies. If this happened in the first series or maybe even the second, I would be shocked. But now I dom't care. Erin made Firestar boring. I think he is getting old.<br /><br /><br />Overall, CANT WAIT! OMSC! (OH MY STARCLAN!)<br /><br /><br />•After Reading•<br /><br />OMSC! AMAZING!<br /><br />Lots of refrences to past books such as Hollyleaf, Sol, and Cinderpelt. I liked that, it reminded me of when Firestar wasn't boring and it made me want to read the series again. (I may do that while waiting for The Last Hope)<br /><br />This one was little less focused on the Three but there was some Threeness in there, especially when Dovewing loses her powers. It was a good break and I am glad Erin didn't cram it in there.<br /><br />Sol is back for revenge, too. ThunderClan shelters him, thinking he saved Molepaw and Cherrypaw from a fox. Later in the book, Dovewing and Ivypool stalked him, into the tunnels. And guess who they found. Hollyleaf.<br /><br />I am gonna leave you hanging, so this the end of my reveiw.<br /><br />OVERALL! GREAT! YAY MORE HOLLYLEAF!
May 11 2019
Recensie volgt op m'n blog
March 25 2022
De Vermiste Krijger is deel 5 van serie 4 van Warrior Cats. Deze vierde serie het ‘Teken van de sterren’ en draait om Leeuwvlam, Gaaiveder, Lindepoel en Duifvleugel.<br /><br />In deze recensie komen geen spoilers over dit boek, maar ik kan niet voorkomen dat er spoilers in staan over eerdere boeken in de serie.<br /><br />Nu het einde van serie 4 nadert, is de spanning om te snijden. Alle Clans doen vijandig naar elkaar, zelfs de medicijnkatten die normaal gesproken elke maan samenkomen. De WindClan is er van overtuigd dat DonderClan op hun terrein prooi pakt, terwijl DonderClan daar niks mee te maken heeft. Er blijkt een indringer te zijn. Al snel kom je erachter wie deze indringer is, het is een oude bekende (uit serie 3).<br /><br />Maar niet alleen de WindClan is een gevaar, ook binnen de DonderClan zijn er wat ruzies, meningsverschillen. In dit deel is het bladgroen (zomer), dus de natuur is deze keer wel aan hun zijde. Niet alleen de indringer komt terug, ook de vermiste krijger komt weer. Deze krijger sluit zich weer aan bij de DonderClan, maar niet iedereen is het daarmee eens.<br /><br />Daarnaast zit Gaaiveder met iets in zijn maag, namelijk dat hij van Geeltand moet vertellen aan Sintelhart wat haar vorige leven was. Dit was nog niet eens het enige probleem rondom Gaaiveder, de SchaduwClan beschuldigd hem ook van moord!<br /><br />De Vermiste Krijger is weer een typisch Warrior Cats boek, inclusief gevecht op het einde. Toch voelde dit heel erg als ‘werken naar de strijd’. In het laatste boek van deze serie zal de grote strijd losbarsten tussen de Clans en Het Duistere Woud. Snel lezen!<br /><br />Ik kreeg dit boek als recensie-exemplaar van Baeckens. Inmiddels worden de boeken uitgegeven door Pelckmans. Fantoom is onder een andere naam gaan werken. Gelukkig blijven er wel gewoon nieuwe Warrior Cats boeken uitkomen!
January 26 2010
The final battle is growing ever so closer. Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Dovewing struggle to find the forth cat in the prophecy to save the clans. But in the midst of their struggles Sol returns. He (of course) is back to his old bag of tricks. But is he truly the forgotten warrior? After all he was never a warrior to begin with... No, the forgotten warrior is a different cat. (Take your best guess :) )<br /><br />I loved the plot of this book. It was much better than the last warrior book. Dark Forest is brainwashing even more clan cats to join and train amongst their ranks. Ivypool works undercover to discover the time and place of the final battle. She learns that the time is drawing ever closer. But when the time comes will she be able to get out alive or will Dark Forest cats take her down before she can alert Firestar? Loved this book! :) I finished it the day I got it. I wish I could build a time machine, travel forward in time and get The Last Hope. Read it. And get an autographed copy of The Last Hope. :)
August 17 2011
Oh my gosh I can't wait to read it! *screams at the top of her lungs then does a victory dance* I think the "Forgotten Warrior" is going to be Hollyleaf and it's gonna be something like she's been living alone and she had actually escaped the underground river. I really hope Hollyleaf come back! I miss her and I wish that Lionblaze, and mostly Jayfeather would forgive Leafpool. It's so sad how they're angry at her and I really want Leafpool to be the medicine cat again!
May 21 2020
aah hollyleaf's back! I missed her so much. I don't remember her acting so wise, must have been the caves. I think she was lying about not seeing other cats though, when Ivypool and blossomfall went down they met a cat. (I think it was fallen leaves but he's a ghost so I'm confused.)