The Matilda Effect

39 Reviews
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Matilda loves science and inventing. Her heroes are Marie Curie, Leonardo da Vinci and Thomas Edison, and one day she wants to be a famous inventor herself. So when she doesn’t win the school science fair, she’s devastated – especially as the judges didn’t believe she'd come up with her entry on her own. Because she's a girl.When Matilda shares her woes with her Grandma Joss, she's astonished to learn her grandma was once a scientist herself – an astrophysicist, who discovered her very own planet. Trouble is, Grandma Joss was also overlooked – her boss, Professor Smocks, stole her discovery for himself. And he's about to be presented with a Nobel Prize.Matilda concocts a plan. They'll crash the award ceremony and tell everyone the truth! So begins a race against time - and against Matilda's strict mum and dad! - on a journey through Paris, Hamburg and Stockholm, and on which they encounter a famous film star, a circus, and a wanted diamond thief...
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June 30 2023
Ellie Irving
Promptchan AI
The Matilda Effect Chapters

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The Matilda Effect Reviews (39)

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Rasa|Knygų princesė

January 31 2022

Šįmet taip jau nutinka, kad skaitau savo dukros rekomenduotus romanus. Istoriją apie Matildą išsirinkome kartu: mane papirko, kad bus kalbama apie moteris mokslininkes, o Mažajai Princesei rūpėjo nuotykiai.<br /><br /><br />Matildai dvylika ir ji labai protinga mergaitė, laisvalaikiu mėgsta ką nors išrasti. Belankant močiutę Džosę Senelių namuose, per televiziją  išgirsta, kad Nobelio fizikos premija bus teikiama profesoriui Smokui už planetos atradimą. Tada ji sužino, kad močiutė buvo mokslininkė astrofizikė, kuri ir atrado šią planetą, tačiau profesorius Smokas šį atradimą pasisavino. Ji su močiute nusprendžia keliauti į Stokholmą ir įrodyti tiesą. <br /><br /><br />Turbūt nereikia sakyti, kad nuotykių čia netrūko. Ir linksmų epizodų pakikenimui užteko. Bet romanas tikrai ne vien apie smagius ir juokingus dalykus. Rašytoja atveria labai jautrią temą - tai moksliniai atradimai ir intelektinės nuosavybės pasisavinimas. O mokslo pasaulyje tikrai tai ne retas nutikimas, kai grupės vadovas prisiima visus nuopelnus, kai tarp straipsnio autorių yra pavardžių, kurie niekaip prie darbo neprisidėjo, o gal net labiau trukdė. <br /><br /><br />Antras dalykas, kurio žinutę žaismingai rašytoja išsiuntė, tai moterų vieta mokslo pasaulyje. Nors dabar moterų mokslininkių yra daug, anaiptol ne visos yra įvertintos. Žinoma, padėtis žymiai geresnė nei anksčiau, kai buvo galima pasisavinti atradimą, nes atradėja yra moteris ir apskritai jos buvo neprileidžiamos prie mokslo. Manau, kad būtina paskaityti ne tik mergaitėms, bet ir berniukams. <br /><br /><br />Būtų gerai, kad ši knyga į rankas patektų visiems vaikams, kurie nori eiti mokslininko keliu. O jei ir nenori, tai iš užsispyrėlės Matildos galima pasimokyti, kaip siekti tikslo ir nepasiduoti. Jeigu kažko labai nori ir nusiteiki, tai pagalbos ranka visad ištiesiama. Optimistinė istorija, kuri užburia net ir suaugusius.


Tülay Tellioğlu (morrkitap)

February 04 2019

5/5<br />Ailenin tüm çocuklarına önerebileceğim harika bir çocuk kitabı, Matilda Etkisi. ? <br />Kitaba başlarken Matilda’nın yaptığı icatları ve yapılma sürecini uzun uzun anlatacağını sanarak önyargılı başlamıştım. Fakat çok geçmeden bu önyargımdan pişman oldum. <br />Her şey Matilda’nın, aslında büyükannesinin alması gereken nobel ödülü başka birinin alacağını öğrenmesiyle başlıyor. Ondan sonrası tam bir macera. Evden kaçmak, balonla uçmak, sirkte çalışmak, motorcularla gezmek... Aklınızın ucuna bile gelmeyecek bir sürü heyecanlı olay vardı kitapta. Tabi bu kadar olayın yanında okurun kafasına yavaş yavaş “kadınlar da biliminsanı olurlar ve bunun bir sürü örneği var” mesajının işlenmesi de cabası. Bu mesajı bodoslama vermek yerine hikayeye yedirerek vermesi kitabı sevmemdeki en önemli etkenlerden biri. Hatta kitabın ilk ve son kısımlarında bazı bilim kadınlarının yaptığı icatlar hakkında kısa kısa bilgiler bile vardı. Eminim ki çocuklar bu kitabı aynen böyle okuyacak: ????<br /><br />


Helen Swinyard

September 10 2018

Madcap adventure across Europe exploring the power of, well, just being nice to people and doing the right thing. Hurray for justice! Hurray for strong women! Hurray for being nice to people! My only suggestion would have been more science in there.



March 20 2019

Більшість підліткової літератури розвивається за схожим сценарієм: є аутсайдер і інші діти, які його (її) цькують. Потім головний персонаж віднаходить у собі сили протистояти (або створюює музичний гурт з іншими непопулярними дітьми, або знаходить кохання, або розуміє свою унікальність і забиває болт на дії кривдників...)<br /><br />Ця книжка інша. Вона про дівчинку, яка любить майструвати, уміє ремонтувати човни і створює нові винаходи. Але, на жаль, вона живе в нашому світі. В час ейджизму і секзизму. Тому у її сили та вміння не вірять. Як і у багатьох жінок.<br /><br />Знаєте, що таке ефект Матильди? Це "упередження щодо визнання досягнень дослідниць, чиїм працям часто приписують авторство їхніх колег-чоловіків".<br /><br />Книжка весела, пригодницька і дуже-дуже потрібна.<br /><br />І ще про переклад. Будь ласка, не вживайте слово "вірно" у значенні "правильно. "


Justine Laismith

May 03 2019

This is a fun book. Matilda's journey with her grandmother is a lighted and far-fetched roller-coaster ride. They go from one situation to another, meeting memorable characters along the way.<br /><br />Matilda reminded me very much of the main character in <a href="" title="Vote for Effie by Laura Wood" rel="noopener">Vote for Effie</a>. She is creative and resourceful. This world is too small for a trail-blazer like her. Living with her organised parents is stifling her. She had a grandfather who understood her. But without him she is finding it hard to be herself. Fortunately for her, her grandmother comes out of her shell and reveals her past.<br /><br />This is a story inspired by injustices of the past, the author cites a couple of real-life examples at the end of the book. What I also like about this book is the relationship between grandmother and grand-daughter - they needed each other to be true to themselves. <br /><br />I learnt something new here. When I see the name Matilda on a book cover, I think of <a href="" title="Roald Dahl" rel="noopener">Roald Dahl</a>'s <a href="" title="Matilda by Roald Dahl" rel="noopener">Matilda</a>, an intelligent girl. After finishing this book, I thought our main character here was just as intelligent, but I wished the author had come up with a more creative name. What I hadn't realised was The Matilda Effect is a real term coined to describe males getting the glory for women scientists' achievements. <br /><br />This is a good read for the younger end of middle-grade readers.



October 22 2021

It's the first middle grade novel I've read this year (which says a lot about the state of my reading in 2021 ?), and I didn't realise until now how much I had missed getting into novels from this age classification. I started this book initially in Normandy this summer (what a lovely memory that trip was &lt;3), but then life happened and I left this book unfinished after just a few chapters read. But when I picked it up yesterday, it drew me in instantly and I read the last 75% within 24 hours. It was everything I loved about middle grade, the kind that requires a lot of suspension of disbelief, but feels like a Disney/Pixar movie and has you smiling from start to finish. The adventures Matilda and her grandmother go through were so colourful and fun, I just wanted to be on this European trip with them (minus the dangerous parts of course). The feminist message of this book is very important, one a lot of girls (and boys!) should hear. It reminds me of the proud "Women in STEM" sticker some of my students back in Melbourne had on their laptop, so of course this makes me happy &lt;3


The Reading Countess

April 20 2019

‘The Matilda to deny the contribution of female scientists in research, instead attributing it to male colleagues.’ <br /><br />That is the crux of this middle grade adventure that takes its readers from England and zig zags throughout Europe until finally depositing them in scenic Sweden, the very heart of the Nobel Prize. Unexpected calamities and odd characters abound in this zany tale of speaking even (and especially) if your voice shakes, David vs. Goliath, and bold determination. <br /><br />Definitely a champion of the underdog, though this story heralds women in science, boys will enjoy the fast-paced plot and can benefit from hearing about Granny Joss’ improbable trip with her inventor granddaughter by her side.<br /><br />“You’re not weird, dearie,” Granny Joss stressed. “You’re bold. And it’s the ones who are bold and take chances in this life who make history, let me tell you.”<br /><br />*recommended to me by a passionate (girl-if that matters) bibliophile



January 10 2018

This book will move you from your house to Matilda's amazing adventure. <br />Matilda loved her grandad who was an inventor, when she dies she is devastated. At her school, there is an invention competition, she loses to Thomas Thomas! Much to her surprise, she discovers her granny discovered her own planet however, cruel Mr Smocks stole th planet from her and is due to win a Nobel prize - can Matilda and her granny journey to Nobel prize awards before it is to late?<br />This book was rated five stars because, from the beginning you dare instantly hooked, there is plenty of description, allowing you to truly connect with the characters. This book teaches young children never to give up. <br />This book is recommended for children age nine plus as it contains a handful of challenging words and is a large book.


Amy (Golden Books Girl)

December 20 2017

In her latest novel, Ellie Irving tells the story of aspiring inventor Matilda as she journeys to Switzerland with her Granny Joss to get the Nobel Prize which has been stolen by a man, but rightfully belongs to her gran! This is delightfully silly and has such a colourful, zany cast of characters who really had me giggling throughout. I thought many of the people Matilda and Granny meet along the way celebrated the good in humanity, no matter how hidden it may be. I was thrilled to learn more about females in STEM through this book, and I feel it balanced the feminist message and Ellie Irving`s glorious sense of humour wonderfully. If you`re looking for a 21st century version of Roald Dahl`s Matilda, look no further



March 23 2018

Book #1 of the KS2 nominees for the Hull Children’s Book Award 2018<br /><br />This was lovely. I was excited to read it because of it being about a girl doing science! I’m all about that girl power. But I also feel like this would be a wonderful read for both girls and boys. As well as an exciting storyline it was packed full of information about real-life scientists and inventions. It was also very inspiring! The only tiny thing that I didn’t like was the main character’s use of the word “extraceedingly” which I found really rather irritating!