November 02 2020
A worldwide pandemic sweeps the globe killing 400 million people before mysteriously stopping. I'll say one thing for Straczynski, he's got perfect timing. The first issue dropped right as the COVID shutdowns were happening in March. The first issue hits a little too close to home. It's pretty damn eerie. The death rate from the virus is 95%. Those five percent that survive start developing powers. Yes, this is something of a current update of Straczynski's <a href="" title="Rising Stars, Vol. 1 Born in Fire by J. Michael Straczynski" rel="noopener">Rising Stars</a> on a global level.<br /><br />Governments are trying to identify and control those with powers. There are a lot of parallels to the current administration in the U.S. Meanwhile, some of those with powers are wise to what's happening and begin to form The Resistance. It's a good introduction to a new shared universe from AWA. I look forward to reading more.
November 01 2020
J. Michael Straczynski is known to me from his TV series Babylon 5 which I have seen and made me really enjoy scifi tv again, and turned out to be preferable to the then Star Trek TV shows.<br /><br />He has also done a lot in comics world I found out and with this new series I finally made my acquaintance with another of his original work.<br />There is an pandemic, how current, that kills hundred of millions of people and there is no vaccin available anytime soon. Then it suddenly stops and nobody knows why. The US president is newly chosen and an independent too and he takes the nation to a far more despotically style state, I am sure Trump and his friends would not mind doing something similar. But there is a problem there were some people that have found themselves in possession of Superhuman skills that become a threat for a world with despots seeing their chance to grab the world in their hands and they do their best to stop these superhumans. They become the resistance against the dictators of our world and they get hunted because they are.<br /><br />I am looking forward to the next installment.
October 17 2020
A virus hits like a tidal wave. Within 4 months over 400,00 Million are dead. No this isn't the Covid, but it sure feels like it, but even deadlier. <br /><br />The idea this came out even before the Covid was a thing is scary. This virus goes through people like nothing, deforming and killing them extremely quickly. This first volume is a mix of political storyline of what to do while the virus is happening, then flash forward of what to do after. This is also a story of people who survived the deadly disease, and some who did, who were infected and came out alive after, developed powers. Only 5% survived this disease, but 5% of 400+ million is still A LOT. And they have the power to change the world now...but can they? Will they? And who will stop them? <br /><br />I really enjoyed this. At first I was gonna say this is just "great" but the last issue pushed me to the top and I fell in love with it. Very gritty in nature of what's happening yet always interesting. If politics aren't your thing this may not fully work for you but I loved that part. Trying to decide to do the right or wrong thing is very interesting. Issue 3 really stands out as a fantastic issue of the government trying to use the people with "powers" to make "Superheroes" and "Super villains" and in a way this is a genius idea, because the government would 100% make this happen to promote things. <br /><br />While it feels like we JUST scratch the surface of most characters because so many are thrown at you, when people die...and they do's pretty goddamn brutal and you feel it. By the end I was both devastated on what happen to characters but also eager to see where it goes. If you're a writer who has basically retired for awhile, THIS is the way to come back. Both writing and art is fantastic. <br /><br />A 5 out of 5.
July 22 2021
3.5/5<br /><br />Death always finds a way. A mysterious virus wiped out hundreds of millions of people. The survivors (around 5% of the affected) gained superpowers, and the pandemic aftereffects range from the minimal to the horrific.<br /><br />The first six issues collected in Vol. 1 introduce Straczynski’s superhero universe. It's interesting, well-thought-out, and much different than Marvel or DC productions.<br /><br />On the other hand, Straczynski tends to spend a lot of time establishing the premise and showing random scenes around the globe. I'm ok with it but readers craving structure may find it irking.<br /><br />All told, I'm interested in following the series. Especially that it gave me the urge to reread Starczynski's Rising Stars, a thing I should've done a while ago :)
February 01 2022
This was probably my least favorite AWA book, even though it is the first in a giant shared universe the publisher has been building within its titles since they launched, most of which I have enjoyed immensly. This one is from J. Michael Straczynski and Mike Deodato Jr. as they team up for a story that follows a group of people who are given super powers after surviving a pandemic that had killed millions. The new adminstration of the U.S. is setting up fascist policies, with the new president wanting to round these people up and get them working for him, so he can put a stop to any threat to the status quo. Will these super powered beings be the hope the world has been looking for, or just another harbringer of doom?<br /><br />I usually love Straczynski’s work, but this one just never clicked for me. The whole book is slow as hell, and whenever anything does happen, there isn’t any urgency or rush to it. This might be a poor analogy, but it feels like everyone in this world is permanently coming down from LSD 24/7, as they all move slowly from problem to problem, acting ineptly each time. It’s as if they are trying to get to the end of the pool that is filled with syrup by wading through, rather than just getting out and walking around to the end. The art by Deodato Jr. does the story 0 favors as well. His work on other AWA books like Bad Mother, Redemption, and Not All Robots works, even elevates, those stories, but not this one. Every character except for say 3 or 4 distinct ones, all look and talk exactly the same, making it near impossible to tell who exactly is who. The volume feels like a setup volume for more interesting things to come, but as someone who has read all the main series so far, it never really gets there. It’s all okay worldbuilding that never builds to anything worthwhile. The final issue of the second volume is cool and delivers, but 13 issues into a series before something stands out isn’t exactly impressive. The second one is significantly better, but it never rocked my socks off or anything. Every series I have read to come out of this Resistance series has been boring and aimless, which is a shame considering how cool the premise is, and how strong the creative teams have been for each one. Even the other AWA titles are mostly amazing, but sadly, this one is a huge miss.
December 11 2020
Три года назад издательство Marvel в очередной раз сменило главного редактора. Аксель Алонсо оказался тем самым жертвенным козлом, которого обвинили во всех проблемах компании, после чего ритуально изгнали в пустыню. В пустыне Алонсо встретил еще одного марвеловского изгоя - бывшего вице-президента Marvel Билла Джемаса, с которым они внезапно решили замутить новый бизнес - AWA Studios. Создать с нуля собственное издательство и новую комикс-вселенную. В креативном совете AWA Алонсо собрал с десяток звездных ветеранов, с которыми в разные годы работал на Marvel (Фрэнк Чо, Гарт Эннис, Реджинальд Хадлин и тд). Главным концептуальным стратегом он назначил 65-летнего Майкла Стражински, редактором которого выступал на «Пауке» с 2001 по 2007 год. <br /><br />Концепт у новой вселенной был очень простой. Дредноут под названием Marvel плотно застрял в пыльных условностях послевоенной Америки. Мы же должны создать картину мира супергероев, которая полностью соответствует реалиям нового времени. Начиная с марта 2020 года AWA выпустили первые девять лимиток, каждая - от четырех до шести выпусков. (Важный нюанс: все лимитки происходят условно в одн��й вселенной, но при этом почти никогда не пересекаются). «The Resistance» от Стражински и Деодато - самое начало, пролог, стартовая история. И надо заметить, что с этим прологом стратег Стражински неожиданно попал в самый нерв.<br /><br />Итак - пандемия, ребята. В мире появился смертельный вирус неизвестного происхождения, который начал бодро выкашивать человечество. Летальность вируса - 95 процентов. Все страны перекрыли границы, люди заперлись в своих домах, но этого было недостаточно. Когда количество погибших превысило 400 млн человек - вирус не менее загадочно исчез, растворился, но планета к этому моменту навсегда изменилась. На президентских выборах в США выиграл представитель новой профашистской партии с лицом молодого Эда Харриса. Россия во время локдауна под шумок захватила Беларусь. Хотела еще Сербию с Литвой, но не успела. Китайцы, чтобы остановить заразу, разбомбили несколько своих мегаполисов, поэтому тоже пребывают теперь в расстроенных чувствах. И это только цветочки. У людей, которые пережили вирус (у тех самых пяти процентов) стали пробуждаться суперспособности. <br /><br />С «новыми реалиями» Алонсо и Стражински не ошиблись. Комикс был придуман и запущен в производство явно задолго до начала текущего пиздеца, но при этом предугадал (пусть и в гипертрофированной форме) очень многие детали. Особенно удивляет, что белорусские военные начали стрелять по мирным демонстрантам в Минске опять же за пару месяцев до начала реальных событий.
August 30 2021
Man this was dope. So after the first issue, we learn of this virus that hits. It’s killing people around the globe extremely fast. So I was thinking, ok this will be a global sickness/catastrophe story. I was on board because so far the writing and the set up were really well done. But as you keep reading, you get a small tease as to where the virus might have come from, which is very interesting. Out of the hundreds of millions of people who died from the virus, only 5 percent survive. We learn something happens to this 5% which takes the story done an entirely new path that I did not see coming. Wow. Now it’s these 5% versus the world governments. This was really good and I can’t wait for the next volume in October.
May 05 2021
Menudo pedazo de chatarra de comic señores. El Estrasisnqui que quiere marcarse un comic adulto y sesudo donde mezcle superheroes y fino analisis geopolitico y social no es capaz de hacer otra cosa que no sea "buah Rusia, buah Corea del Norte" y "resistencia! revolucion! contra que? yoq se tio xdd"<br />Quieres hacerte una idea de hasta donde tiene metida la cabeza en culo el yanki medio? Descargate esta basura y muere de sonrojo. <br /><br />Deodato fatal, por cierto.
October 24 2021
J. Michael Straczynski, em suas marcas de estilo, tem um problema sério: ele não consegue terminar as histórias que começa. A Resistência, em seu primeiro volume, tem um problema parecido. Assim como sua HQ de longa estrada, Rising Stars, A Resistência não é uma história em quadrinhos sobre personagens, mas sobre um evento. Na caso de A Resistência, é um evento infeliz: uma pandemia de um vírus que mata 400 milhões de pessoas ao redor do mundo, conferindo a uma parcela de 5% dos sobreviventes poderes extraordinários. A despeito dos competentes desenhos do brasileiro Mike Deodato Jr., A Resistência é como Rising Stars: uma premissa interessante para trabalhar pessoas com superpoderes, com conceitos legais e histórias pontuais muito bem desenvolvidas (como a empresa que dá emprego a super-heróis), mas que não funciona como um todo. Tudo parece bastante perdido, à deriva, sem uma linha condutora com a qual você pode se apegar e continuar empolgado. É uma história, como disse, sobre um fenômeno com um timing infeliz, que vai do caos para mais caos. Se você não curtiu Rising Stars recomendo não pegar A Resistência. Se curtiu, vai adorar.
October 11 2020
Im not sure when the first issue came out but its very similar to whats going on atm